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  • 简介:IntravesicalBacillusCalmette-Guérin(BCG)haslongbeenthegoldstandardtreatmentofnonmuscleinvasivebladdercancer.Recently,therehasbeenanemergenceofnovelimmunotherapeuticagents,whichhaveshownpromiseinthetreatmentofurothelialcellcarcinoma.Theseagentsaimtoaugment,modify,orenhancetheimmuneresponse.SuchstrategiesincluderecombinantBCG,monoclonalantibodies,vaccines,genetherapy,andadoptiveT-celltherapy.Here,wereviewtheemergingimmunotherapeuticsinthetreatmentofnonmuscleinvasivebladdercancer.

  • 标签: 免疫治疗剂 膀胱癌 浸润性 入门 单克隆抗体
  • 简介:瞄准:为了孤立并且识别差别,由二维的电气泳动(2-DE)和帮助矩阵的激光解吸附作用/电离time-of-flight团分光术(MALDI-TOF-MS)表示了在癌症和胃的癌症的正常纸巾之间的蛋白质。方法:胃的癌症纸巾和配对的正常纸巾的可溶的部分蛋白质被2-DE分开。差别表示了蛋白质被MALDI-TOF-MS和数据库搜索选择并且识别。结果:有高分辨率和重制度的2-DE侧面被获得。23个蛋白质点从染色胶化的裂片被切除并且由胰岛素,十五个蛋白质点成功地在被识别在胶化消化了。在识别蛋白质之中,有十过去表示并且在胃癌症纸巾的五下面表示的蛋白质与正常纸巾相比。结论:在这研究,人的胃的癌症织物和配对的正常织物的解决得好的、可再现的2-DE模式被建立并且优化并且某些表示差别的蛋白质被识别。2-DE和MS的联合使用提供一条有效途径为潜在的肿瘤标记屏蔽。

  • 标签: 胃癌 肿瘤标志物 二维聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 质谱法
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Despite improvements in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, breast cancer is still a leading cause of cancer death for women. Compelling evidence suggests that targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs) have a crucial impact on overcoming the current shortcomings of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In the present study, we aimed to study the effects of T cells and a critical anti-tumor cytokine, interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), on breast cancer stem cells.Methods:BALB/c mice and BALB/c nude mice were subcutaneously injected with 4T1 tumor cells. Tumor growth and pulmonary metastasis were assessed. ALDEFLOURTM assays were performed to identify aldehyde dehydrogenasebright (ALDHbr) tumor cells. ALDHbr cells as well as T cells from tumor-bearing BALB/c mice were analyzed using flow cytometry. The effects of CD8+ T cells on ALDHbr tumor cells were assessed in vitro and in vivo. The expression profiles of ALDHbr and ALDHdim 4T1 tumor cells were determined. The levels of plasma IFN-γ were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and their associations with the percentages of ALDHbr tumor cells were evaluated. The effects of IFN-γ on ALDH expression and the malignancy of 4T1 tumor cells were analyzed in vitro.Results:There were fewer metastatic nodules in tumor-bearing BALB/c mice than those in tumor-bearing BALB/c nude mice (25.40 vs. 54.67, P < 0.050). CD8+ T cells decreased the percentages of ALDHbr 4T1 tumor cells in vitro (control vs. effector to target ratio of 1:1, 10.15% vs. 5.76%, P < 0.050) and in vivo (control vs. CD8+ T cell depletion, 10.15% vs. 21.75%, P < 0.001). The functions of upregulated genes in ALDHbr 4T1 tumor cells were enriched in the pathway of response to IFN-γ. The levels of plasma IFN-γ decreased gradually in tumor-bearing BALB/c mice, while the percentages of ALDHbr tumor cells in primary tumors increased. IFN-γ at a concentration of 26.68 ng/mL decreased the percentages of ALDHbr 4T1 tumor cells (22.88% vs. 9.88%, P < 0.050) and the protein levels of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A1 in 4T1 tumor cells (0.86 vs. 0.49, P < 0.050) and inhibited the abilities of sphere formation (sphere diameter <200 μm, 159.50 vs. 72.0; ≥200 μm, 127.0 vs. 59.0; both P < 0.050) and invasion (89.67 vs. 67.67, P < 0.001) of 4T1 tumor cells.Conclusion:CD8+ T cells and IFN-γ decreased CSC numbers in a 4T1 mouse model of breast cancer. The application of IFN-γ may be a potential strategy for reducing CSCs in breast cancer.

  • 标签: Cancer stem cells Aldehyde dehydrogenase Interferon-gamma CD8+ T cells
  • 简介:Thispaperdescribesthesurvivalexperiencefrom15selectedsitesofcancersaccordingtodatafromapopulation--basedcancerregistryduringtheperiodof1982--1991forevaluationofcancersurvivalaswellasdifferentcancercontrolmeasures.MATERIALSANDMETHODSDataCollectionCanc...

  • 简介:采用针刺治疗56例癌症呃逆患者并与西药治疗58例相对照,结果治疗组有效率87.5%,对照组有效率32.8%。经Ridit分析,治疗组疗效明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。

  • 标签: 肿瘤 呃逆 针刺疗法 癌症
  • 简介:AbstractPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is the main cause of cancer-related mortality, with a lack of effective treatments and overall survival rates far lower than other solid cancers. This clinical challenge is related to late diagnosis as well as primary or acquired resistance to therapy-induced apoptosis. Targeting nonapoptotic cell death pathways may provide alternative therapeutic strategies to overcome drug resistance. In particular, recent studies have suggested that ferroptosis, a type of iron-dependent nonapoptotic cell death, is a promising target for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Ferroptosis can be triggered by inhibiting or activating the redox or iron metabolism-related pathways, mediated by extrinsic/membrane transports (e.g., solute carrier family 7 member 11) or intrinsic/enzymes (e.g., glutathione peroxidase 4). Although the exact effector molecule remains obscure, reactive oxygen species-induced lipid peroxidation and subsequent plasma membrane damage appears to play a central role in mediating ferroptotic death. While treatment-induced ferroptosis is beneficial to suppress tumor growth, inflammation-related immunosuppression caused by ferroptotic damage may promote the occurrence of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. In this review, we outline the latest knowledge about the regulation and function of ferroptosis in pancreatic tumorigenesis and therapy.

  • 标签: Cell death Ferroptosis Pancreatic cancer Targeted therapy Tumorigenesis
  • 简介:AbstractThe incidence of pancreatic cancer has been rising worldwide, and its clinical diagnosis and treatment remain a great challenge. To present the update and improvements in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer in recent years, Chinese Pancreatic Association, the Chinese Society of Surgery, Chinese Medical Association revised the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer in China (2014) after reviewing evidence-based and problem-oriented literature published during 2015-2021, mainly focusing on highlight issues regarding diagnosis and surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer, conversion strategies for locally advanced pancreatic cancer, treatment of pancreatic cancer with oligo metastasis, adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy, standardized processing of surgical specimens and evaluation of surgical margin status, systemic treatment for unresectable pancreatic cancer, genetic testing, as well as postoperative follow up of patients with pancreatic cancer. Forty recommendation items were finally proposed based on the above issues, and the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations were graded using the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system. This guideline aims to standardize the clinical diagnosis and therapy, especially surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer in China, and further improve the prognosis of patients with pancreatic cancer.

  • 标签: Diagnosis Guideline Multidisciplinary team Pancreatic cancer Treatment
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  • 简介:AbstractCircular RNAs (circRNAs) constitute a novel class of endogenous noncoding RNAs characterized by a covalently closed structure and involved in multiple biological processes. The main biological functions and properties of circRNAs can be defined by five features: a "sponging" effect on other RNA species, post-transcriptional regulation, rolling circle translation, generation of pseudogenes, and splicing interference. Although circRNAs were first detected decades ago, the role of circRNAs and the mechanisms underlying their actions remain incompletely characterized. Recently, circRNAs were reported to play indispensable roles in regulating metabolic and signal transduction events controlling the proliferation, migration, and survival of cells. Importantly, many studies demonstrated that dysregulated circRNA expression is associated with the development of multiple diseases, including cancer. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on the roles and mechanisms of circRNAs in cancer and discuss their functions as oncogenes or tumor suppressors in different tumor types.

  • 标签: Cancer circRNA Oncogene Review Tumor suppressor
  • 简介:AbstractGastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common malignant tumors worldwide. Its incidence ranks the 5th among all malignant tumors globally, and it is the 3rd leading cause of death among patients with cancer. Surgical treatment is the first choice in clinical practice. However, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and other treatment methods have also become research hotspots at home and abroad with the development of individualized precision therapy in recent years, besides traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy. At present, targeted therapy and immunotherapy are methods used for treating GC, and they have important clinical application value and prospects. This study aimed to review the research progress of targeted therapy and immunotherapy for GC, focusing on its mechanism of action and related important clinical trials, hoping to provide references for the clinical treatment of GC.

  • 标签: Angiogenesis Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 Epidermal growth factor receptor Gastric cancer Immunotherapy Programed cell death ligand 1 Programed death-1 Targeted therapy Vascular endothelial growth factor
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  • 简介:AbstractLung cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer-related death in the world, which is classically subgrouped into two major histological types: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (85% of patients) and small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) (15%). Tumor location has been reported to be associated with the prognosis of various solid tumors. Several types of cancer often occur in a specific region and are more prone to spread to predilection locations, including colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, lung tumor, and so on. Besides, tumor location is also considered as a risk factor for lung neoplasm with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/emphysema. Additionally, the primary lung cancer location is associated with specific lymph node metastasis. And the recent analysis has shown that the primary location may affect metastasis pattern in metastatic NSCLC based on a large population. Numerous studies have enrolled the "location" factor in the risk model. Anatomy location and lobe-specific location are both important in prognosis. Therefore, it is important for us to clarify the characteristics about tumor location according to various definitions. However, the inconsistent definitions about tumor location among different articles are controversial. It is also a significant guidance in multimode therapy in the present time. In this review, we mainly aim to provide a new insight about tumor location, including anatomy, clinicopathology, and prognosis in patients with lung neoplasm.

  • 标签: Lung neoplasms Non-small cell lung cancer Small-cell lung cancer Location Main bronchus Non-main bronchus Clinicopathological
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  • 简介:Thecurrentconceptof“AdoptiveTCellImmunotherapyofCancer”isquitedifferentfromhowitwasoriginallyconceived.Withthedevelopmentofmoderntechnologyinmolecularbiology,cellbiology,immunologyandbiochemistryduringthelasttwentyyearsorso,adoptiveimmunotherapyhasgrownfromitsinitialformofasimple“bloodcelltransfer”intoitspresentprocesswhichinvolveshostvauccination,effectorcellactivation/polarizationandgeneticmodification.Withtheuseofimmuneadjuvantsandtheidentification/characterizationoftumor-reactiveTcellsubsets,orincombinationwithothertherapeuticstrategies,adoptivelytransferredTcellshavebecomemuchmorepotentinmediatingtumorregression.Inaddition,studiesonthetraffickingofinfusedTcells,celltransferperformedinlymphopenicmodels,aswellasthediscoveryofnoveltechniquesinimmunemonitoringforthegenerationofeffectorcellsinvitroandaftercelltransferinvivohaveprovidedusefultoolstofurtherimprovethetherapeuticefficacyofthisapproach.ThisarticlewillreviewtheserelatedaspectsofadoptiveTcellimmunotherapyofcancerwithspecificcommentsoncertaincriticalareasintheapplicationofthisapproach.Withtherapidlyevolvingadvancesinthisarea,itishopedthatthiscellularimmunologictherapyasitwasconceptualizedinthepast,canbecomemoreusefulinthetreatmentofhumancancerinthenearfuture.

  • 标签: 免疫疗法 T细胞 肿瘤转移 细胞免疫
  • 简介:Cancercellsdifferfromnormalcellsinvariousparameters,andthesedifferencesarecausedbygenomicmutationsandconsequentialalteredgeneexpression.Thegeneticandfunctionalheterogeneityoftumorcellsisamajorchallengeincancerresearch,detection,andeffectivetreatment.Assuch,theuseofdiagnosticmethodsisimportanttorevealthisheterogeneityatthesingle-celllevel.Dropletmicrofluidicdevicesareeffectivetoolsthatprovideexceptionalsensitivityforanalyzingsinglecellsandmolecules.Inthisreview,wehighlighttwonovelmethodsthatemploydropletmicrofluidicsforultrasensitivedetectionofnucleicacidsandproteinmarkersincancercells.Wealsodiscussthefuturepracticalapplicationsofthesemethods.

  • 标签: 超灵敏检测 癌细胞 标志物 蛋白质 DNA 肿瘤细胞
  • 简介:Nanotechnologyprovidesvariousnanomaterialswithtremendousfunctionalitiesforcancerdiagnosticsandtherapeutics.Recently,theranosticshasbeendevelopedasanalternativestrategyforefficientcancertreatmentthroughcombinationofimagingdiagnosisandtherapeuticinterventionsundertheguidanceofdiagnosticresults.Ultrasound(US)imagingshowsuniqueadvantageswithexcellentfeaturesofreal-timeimaging,lowcost,highsafetyandportability,makingUScontrastagents(UCAs)anidealplatformforconstructionofcancertheranosticagents.ThisreviewfocusesonthedevelopmentofnanomaterialsincorporatedmultifunctionalUCAsservingastheranosticagentsforcancerdiagnosticsandtherapeutics,viaconjugationofsuperparamagneticironoxidenanoparticles(SPIOs),CuSnanoparticles,DNA,siRNA,goldnanoparticles(GNPs),goldnanorods(GNRs),goldnanoshell(GNS),grapheneoxides(GOs),polypyrrole(PPy)nanocapsules,Prussianblue(PB)nanoparticlesandsoontodifferenttypesofUCAs.Thecancertreatmentcouldbemoreeffectivelyandaccuratelycarriedoutundertheguidanceandmonitoringwiththehelpoftheachievedtheranosticagents.Furthermore,nanomaterialsincorporatedtheranosticagentsbasedonUCAscanbedesignedandconstructedbydemandforpersonalizedandaccuratetreatmentofcancer,demonstratingtheirgreatpotentialtoaddressthechallengesofcancerheterogeneityandadaptation,whichcanprovidealternativestrategiesforcancerdiagnosisandtherapeutics.

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