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223 个结果
  • 简介:针刺关元,气海,三阴交,中极,水道,地机,足三里,肾俞,大肠俞和次髎穴,同时用清热解毒和活血化瘀中药进行保留灌肠,治疗了15例慢性盆腔炎患者,经过2个疗程治疗,13例痊愈,2例有效.

  • 标签: 针灸 盆腔炎 针药并用
  • 简介:BackgroundChronicotitismedia(COM)isasignificantclinicalproblem.UnderstandingthemechanismsofCOMiscriticalforitscontrolandtreatment.However,littleisknownoftheprocessesleadingtoCOMasaresultoflackofanimalmodelsofN-ethyl-N-nitrosourea(ENU)inducedmutationsinotitismediawitheffusion(OME).MethodsOtoscopyandauditorybrainresponse(ABR)evaluationwerecarriedoutundersedationinNmf391nmf/nmfmiceof2,4,6and8monthsofage.Themicewerekilledforstudyofmiddleandinnerearpathology.ResultsTympanicmembranevisualizationandABRthresholdsin1-to8-month-oldNmf391nmf/nmfmiceshowedspontaneousOMEandinnereardiseasesinapproximately100%oftheanimals.ThesignificantelevationofABRthresholdssuggestedasensorineuralcomponentinhearinglossinadditiontotheconductiveloss.Middleandinnerearhistologyshowedvariousdegreesofouterhaircellslossandmiddleearinflammationinallthemice,butnoinflammationcellsintheinnerear.TheABRthresholdat32kHzwassignificantlyelevated.ConclusionsThisstudyshowshistopathologicchangesintheNmf391nmf/nmfmousemodelofCOMwitheffusionthathavenotbeenreportedinhumanCOM.ThisENUinducedmutationmodelofCOMwillbevaluableforthecharacterizationofmiddleearinflammationandinnereardiseaseprocessesthatareinducedbymiddleearinfections.WeproposethatCOMwitheffusioninthisENUinducedmutationmodelisthecauseofthecochleahaircellsdamage.

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  • 简介:ThepreviousSpecialIssuewasdevotedtophysicalactivity(PA),physicalfitness,diet,andhealthinyoungpeople.ThecontentofthissecondSpecialIssuewillfocusonPAandchronicdiseaseinchildrenandyoungadults.ThefirstpaperwrittenbyDurstineetal.considerstheproblemofchronicdiseasesbecomingapublichealthconcernworldwidewithestimatesoftrillionsofdollaisinannualhealthcarecostsandcausingmorethan36milliondeathsayear.Their

  • 标签: 慢性疾病 年轻人 儿童 健康 身体 PA
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The eosinophilic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is known to be more sensitive to corticosteroid. The sputum microbiome has been shown to affect COPD prognosis, but its role in acute exacerbations of eosinophilic COPD is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the dynamic changes of the airway microbiome in patients with acute exacerbations of eosinophilic COPD.Methods:Fifty-seven patients with acute exacerbations of COPD from the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University between June 2017 and June 2018 were divided into two groups. Patients with eosinophils ≥300 cells/μL in the peripheral venous blood were assigned to the eosinophilic group (Eos) and the rest to the non-eosinophilic group (Noneos). All patients received similar treatment including inhaled budesonide according to the guidelines. The induced sputum microbiome was analyzed on the 1st and 7th day of treatment using the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) method. The levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 were measured in the plasma and the sensitivity to corticosteroids was determined in isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Quantitative data were compared between the two groups using the independent samples t test or Mann-Whitney U test. Categorical data were evaluated using Chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test.Results:Twenty-six patients were classified into Eos group and 31 patients were classified into Noneos group. Prior to treatment, the alpha diversity (Shannon index) (2.65 ± 0.63 vs. 2.56 ± 0.54, t = 0.328, P = 0.747) and the structure of the sputum microbiome were similar in the Eos group and the Noneos group. After 7 days of treatment, alpha diversity increased in both groups, while the microbiome richness (Ace index) was significantly lower in the Eos group (561.87 ± 109.13 vs. 767.88 ± 148.48, t = -3.535, P = 0.002). At the same time, IL-6 (12.09 ± 2.85 pg/mL vs. 15.54 ± 2.45 pg/mL, t = -4.913, P < 0.001) and IL-8 (63.64 ± 21.69 pg/mL vs. 78.97 ± 17.13 pg/mL, t = -2.981, P = 0.004) decreased more significantly in the Eos group, and the percentages of inhibition of IL-8 at dexamethasone concentrations 10-8 to 10-6 mol/L were significantly higher in the Eos group than those in the Noneos group (all P < 0.05).Conclusions:The induced sputum microbiome richness decreased more significantly following treatment in the Eos patients compared to the Noneos patients. The lower plasma inflammatory factor levels and the higher percentage of inhibition of IL-8 might be due to higher corticosteroid sensitivity in Eos patients.

  • 标签: Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Sputum Microbiome Eosinophilic Corticosteroid Interleukin-8 inhibition
  • 简介:观察针灸的临床的效果的目的在治疗长期的湿疹与acupoint注射治疗结合了。七十个病人随机被划分成二个组的方法。在治疗组的36个盒子在针灸方面被对待,acupoint注射治疗并且与洋梅花针拍,当在控制组的34个盒子与Halometasone的Loratadine正热门申请的口头的管理被对待时,啪啪撞击。在三星期的治疗,药品和显著的有效的率和全部的有效的率以后的结果是分别地,80.6%和97.2%在治疗组织,对47.1%和79.4%在控制组织。在在二个组之间的药品和显著的有效的率和全部的有效的率的差别是统计上重要的(所有P<0.05)。没有明显的不利反应在治疗期间出现在二个组。结论针灸正acupoint注射治疗为有安全地的高度的长期的湿疹是有效的。

  • 标签: 针灸艾灸治疗 水疗院针灸 洋梅花针治疗 针灸药联合了 湿疹 R246.7
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:TOSO, also named Fas inhibitory molecule 3 (FAIM3), has recently been identified as an immunoglobulin M (IgM) Fc receptor (FcμR). Previous studies have shown that TOSO is specifically over-expressed in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). However, the functions of TOSO in CLL remain unknown. The B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling pathway has been reported to be constitutively activated in CLL. Here, we aimed to investigate the functions of TOSO in the BCR signaling pathway and the pathogenesis of CLL.Methods:We over-expressed TOSO in B-cell lymphoma cell lines (Granta-519 and Z138) by lentiviral transduction and knocked down TOSO by siRNA in primary CLL cells. The over-expression and knockdown of TOSO were confirmed at the RNA level by polymerase chain reaction and protein level by Western blotting. Co-immunoprecipitation with TOSO antibody followed by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (IP/LCMS) was used to identify TOSO interacting proteins. Western blotting was performed to detect the activation status of BCR signaling pathways as well as B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2). Flow cytometry was used to examine the apoptosis of TOSO-over-expressing B lymphoma cell lines and TOSO-down-regulated CLL cells via the staining of Annexin V and 7-AAD. One-way analyses of variance were used for intergroup comparisons, while independent samples t tests were used for two-sample comparisons.Results:From IP/LCMS, we identified spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) as a crucial candidate of TOSO-interacting protein and confirmed it by co-immunoprecipitation. After stimulation with anti-IgM, TOSO over-expression increased the phosphorylation of SYK, and subsequently activated the BCR signaling pathway, which could be reversed by a SYK inhibitor. TOSO knockdown in primary CLL cells resulted in reduced SYK phosphorylation as well as attenuated BCR signaling pathway. The apoptosis rates of the Granta-519 and Z138 cells expressing TOSO were (8.46 ± 2.90)% and (4.20 ± 1.21)%, respectively, significantly lower than the rates of the control groups, which were (25.20 ± 4.60)% and (19.72 ± 1.10)%, respectively (P < 0.05 for both). The apoptosis rate was reduced after knocking down TOSO in the primary CLL cells. In addition, we also found that TOSO down-regulation in primary cells from CLL patients led to decreased expression of BCL-2 as well as lower apoptosis, and vice versa in the cell line.Conclusions:TOSO might be involved in the pathogenesis of CLL by interacting with SYK, enhancing the BCR signaling pathway, and inducing apoptosis resistance.

  • 标签: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia TOSO B-cell receptor signaling pathway SYK Apoptosis
  • 简介:Monoclonal(mAb)成功地被用于长期的疾病的治疗,例如癌症,发炎和有免疫力的疾病。与在抗体工程的技术进展,当有减少的immunogenicity的高亲密关系治疗学在聚光灯下面变得,小重组体抗体的开发碎裂。设计重组体抗体碎片的一种流行格式是单个链的改正变量(scFv)分子,父母抗体的VH和VL区域被一个多肽连接器一起在连接。scFv碎片保留目标特性和未经触动的抗体,和罐头的抗原绑定亲密关系被在房间从单个cDNA表示VH和VL区域的宫外的联盟者遗传上在大数量设计并且生产。由于它的更小的尺寸,scFv分子表演在肿瘤穿入改进了pharmacokinetics并且被主人免疫系统更好容忍。

  • 标签: 癌症 慢性疾病 治疗方法 抗体基因疗法
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  • 简介:目的将为长期的湿疹在Chize(LU5)和Weizhong(BL9)上与放血观察联合针灸的临床的效果。40个盒子的一个总数随机被分配进一个观察组和控制的方法组织,20在各个。在观察组的盒子在Chize(LU5)和Weizhong(BL9)上加放血在针灸方面被对待,而在控制组的盒子独自在针灸方面被对待。针灸一天被进行一次,放血两次一个星期。治疗学的功效统计上在一月连续处理以后被分析。在观察的恢复和全部的有效的率组织的结果在控制组比那显著地高(P<0.05)。Chize(LU5)和Weizhong(BL40)上的联合针灸和放血能独自比针灸获得更好的效果的结论。

  • 标签: 针灸治疗 放血治疗 湿疹 指, Chize (LU 5 ) 指, Weizhong (BL 40 ) R246.7
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  • 简介:AbstractAcute kidney injury (AKI), characterized by acute renal dysfunction, is an increasingly common clinical problem and an important risk factor in the subsequent development of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Regardless of the initial insults, the progression of CKD after AKI involves multiple types of cells, including renal resident cells and immune cells such as macrophages. Recently, the involvements of macrophages in AKI-to-CKD transition have garnered significant attention. Furthermore, substantial progress has also been made in elucidating the pathophysiological functions of macrophages from the acute kidney to repair or fibrosis. In this review, we highlight current knowledge regarding the roles and mechanisms of macrophage activation and phenotypic polarization, and transdifferentiation in the development of AKI-to-CKD transition. In addition, the potential of macrophage-based therapy for preventing AKI-to-CKD transition is also discussed.

  • 标签: Acute kidney injury Chronic kidney disease Macrophage Inflammation Repair Macrophage-based therapy
  • 简介:长期的subduralhematoma(CSDH)的外科的管理仍然是的目的因为不清楚的病原的机制,一个争论问题,和标准治疗没在CSDH被建立。这份报纸的意愿是为CSDH发现一个简单、有效的外科的过程。有由外科的治疗的CSDH的448个病人的回顾的研究在2005~2009期间被进行以便比较在二个不同主要外科的方法之间的效率的方法,即没有在组A(n=178)和有在组B(n=270)的灌溉的一辘辘声洞的灌溉的扭曲练习排水。结果统计上被分析。操作在组A和组B评估的结果分别地是7.9%和11.9%。好结果率是88.8%和75.5%,复杂并发症分别地在组A和组B是7.9%和20.7%。结论有hematoma洞的灌溉的辘辘声洞排水不对结果和预后有益。灌溉不在为CSDH的外科的治疗是重要的。因此在起始的治疗,因为它相对安全、节省时间、划算,没有hematoma洞的灌溉的扭曲练习排水被推荐。

  • 标签: 血肿 排水 膜下 慢性 引流 钻孔
  • 简介:AbstractA 1-day symposium before the annual meeting of the Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases, gathered authorities and researchers from around the world to discuss the impact of air pollution on human and planetary health. Air quality is a high priority for Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases and China, the host country. This article presents a summary, commentary, and amplification of the 17 presentations. Air pollution is closely linked with global warming and harms most body systems even at levels below international standards. Information about the genetic, cellular, and metabolic effects of exposure to air pollution is important for better understanding of individual responses and even potential therapeutic mediation. Reducing air pollution at its source leads to prompt and important benefits and should be the first priority for political and public action.

  • 标签: Air pollution Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases Symposium World Health Organization
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Due to airway remodeling and emphysematous destruction in the lung, the two classical clinical phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are emphysema and bronchiolitis. The present study was designed to investigate the levels of small airway immunoglobulin A (IgA) in COPD with "emphysema phenotype." The study also evaluated the associations between the small airway IgA levels and the severity of disease by the extent of emphysema versus airflow limitation.Methods:Thirty patients (20 with COPD and ten healthy smokers) undergoing lung resection surgery for a solitary peripheral nodule were included. The study was conducted from January 2015 to December 2018 in the Shanxi Dayi Hospital. The presence of small airway IgA expression was determined in the lung by immunohistochemistry. In vivo, Wistar rats were exposed to silica by intratracheal instillation. Rats were sacrificed at 15 and 30 days after exposure of silica (n = 10 for each group). We also evaluated airway IgA from rats.Results:Small airway secretory IgA (sIgA), dimeric IgA (dIgA), and dIgA/sIgA of Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease grade 1-2 COPD patients showed no difference compared with smoking control subjects (5.15±1.53 vs. 6.03±0.85; 1.94±0.66 vs. 1.67±0.04; 41.69±21.02 vs. 28.44±9.45, all P > 0.05). dIgA/sIgA level in the lung of COPD patients with emphysema showed higher levels than that of COPD patients without emphysema (51.89±24.81 vs. 31.49±9.28, P=0.03). The percentage of low-attenuation area below 950 Hounsfield units was positively correlated with dIgA/sIgA levels (r=0.45, P=0.047), but not associated with the severity of disease by spirometric measurements (forced expiratory volume in the first second %pred, P>0.05). Likewise, in the rat study, significant differences in sIgA, dIgA, dIgA/sIgA, mean linear intercept, mean alveoli number, and mean airway thickness of bronchioles (VV airway, all P < 0.01) were only observed between control rats and those exposed for 30 days. However, in the group exposed for 15 days, although the VV airway was higher than that in normal rats (27.61±2.26 vs. 20.39±1.99, P<0.01), there were no significant differences in IgA and emphysema parameters between the two groups (all P>0.05).Conclusion:Airway IgA concentrations in mild and moderate COPD patients are directly associated with the severity of COPD with "emphysema phenotype" preceding severe airway limitation. This finding suggests that small airway IgA might play an important role in the pathophysiology of COPD, especially emphysema phenotype.

  • 标签: Immunoglobulin A B cell Emphysema Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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  • 简介:Theaimofthisstudyistoinvestigatewhetherthreemononucleotidepolymorphismsatthelocus-1082,-819and-592inthepromoterregionoftheIL-10geneareassociatedwithchronicseverehepatitis.TheIL-10-592andIL-10-1082polymorphismsweregenotypedbypolymerasechainreaction-restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphismanalysis(PCR-RFLP)whilepolymerasechainreaction-se-quencespecificprimer(PCR-SSP)assaywasusedtotesttheIL-10-819polymorphism.Thepolymor-phismsofIL-10-1082,-819and-592genesweredetectedin98patientswithchronicseverehepatitis(CSH),478patientswithchronichepatitisB(CHB),223asymptomatic(chronic)HBVcarriers(ASC)and267patientswithself-restrictedHBV.Therewassignificantdifferenceofthepolymor-phismsofIL-10-1082,IL-10-819andIL-10-592genesbetweenCSHgroupandothergroups.Thefre-quencyofAAgenotypeatIL-10genepromoter-1082locusinchronicseverehepatitispatientswashigherthanthatinasymptomaticHBVcarriers(X~2=13.314,P=0.001),andself-restrictedHBVpatients(X~2=13.545,P=0.000);thefrequencyofCCandACgenotypeatIL-10genepromoter-592locusinchronicseverehepatitispatientswashigherthanthatinchronichepatitispatients(X~2=15.970,P=0.000)(X~2=20.414,P=0.000),asymptomaticHBVcarriers(X~2=21.283,P=0.000)(X~2=28.309,P=0.000)andself-restrictedHBVpatients(X~2=17.047,P=0.000)(X~2=16.528,P=0.000);thefrequencyofTCgenotypeatIL-10genepromoter-819locusinchronicseverehepatitispatientswashigherthanthatinchronichepatitispatients(X~2=58.961,P=0.000),asymptomaticHBVcarriers(X~2=53.255,P=0.001)andself-restrictedHBVpatients(X~2=39.616,P=0.001).Sointerleukine-10genepolymorphismwasassociatedwiththechronicsevereheoatitis.

  • 标签: 肝炎 白介素-10 基因型 多态现象
  • 简介:目的:观察针刺背俞穴治疗慢性疲劳综合征的,临床疗效。方法:符合纳入标准的22例患者,根据辨证分型选用相应的背俞穴针刺治疗。使用整体健康水平量表和Chalder疲劳问卷评价治疗效果。结果:22例患者中,显效4例,有效11例,无效7例,总有效率为68.2%。结论:针刺背俞穴可缓解疲劳症状,提高患者健康水平。

  • 标签: 针刺疗法 背俞 疲劳综合征 慢性 辨证论治