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223 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractThis review analyzes the state and recent progress in the field of information support for pollen allergy sufferers. For decades, information available for the patients and allergologists consisted of pollen counts, which are vital but insufficient. New technology paves the way to substantial increase in amount and diversity of the data. This paper reviews old and newly suggested methods to predict pollen and air pollutant concentrations in the air and proposes an allergy risk concept, which combines the pollen and pollution information and transforms it into a qualitative risk index. This new index is available in an app (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK-air) that was developed in the frame of the European Union grant Impact of Air POLLution on sleep, Asthma and Rhinitis (a project of European Institute of Innovation and Technology-Health). On-going transformation of the pollen allergy information support is based on new technological solutions for pollen and air quality monitoring and predictions. The new information-technology and artificial-intelligence-based solutions help to convert this information into easy-to-use services for both medical practitioners and allergy sufferers.

  • 标签: Pollen allergy Pollen season Google trends Pollen dispersion modeling System for Integrated modeLling of Atmospheric coMposition model Pollen index Air quality index
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein that mainly regulates erythropoiesis. In patients with chronic renal failure with anemia, darbepoetin alfa can stimulate erythropoiesis, correct anemia, and maintain hemoglobin levels. This study was designed to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of darbepoetin alfa injections as being not inferior to epoetin alfa injections (Recombinant Human Erythropoietin injection, rHuEPO) when maintaining hemoglobin (Hb) levels within the target range (10.0-12.0 g/dL) for the treatment of renal anemia.Methods:Ninety-five patients were enrolled in this study from April 15, 2013 to April 10, 2014 at 25 sites. In this study, patients (n = 95) aged 18-70 years were randomized into a once per week intravenous darbepoetin alfa group (n = 56) and a twice or three times per week intravenous epoetin alfa group (n = 39) for 28 weeks, who had anemia with hemoglobin levels between 6 g/dL and 10 g/dL due to chronic kidney disease (CKD) and were undergoing hemodialysis or hemofiltration with ESA-naive (erythropoiesis stimulating agent-naive). The primary efficacy profile was the mean Hb level (the non-inferiority margin was -1.0 g/dL, week 21-28); the secondary efficacy profiles were the Hb increase rate (week 0-4), the target Hb achievement cumulative rate and time, the change trends of the Hb levels, and the target Hb maintenance ratio. Adverse events (AEs) were observed and compared, and the efficacy and safety were analyzed between the two treatment groups. Additionally, the frequencies of dose adjustments between the darbepoetin alfa and epoetin alfa groups were compared during the treatment period. SAS® software version 9.2 was used to perform all statistical analyses. Descriptive statistics were used for all efficacy, safety, and demographic variable analyses, including for the primary efficacy indicators.Results:The mean Hb level was 11.3 g/dL in the darbepoetin alfa group and 10.7 g/dL in the epoetin alfa group, respectively; the difference of the lower limits of the 95% confidence intervals (CI) between the two groups was 0.1 g/dL (>-1.0 g/dL), and non-inferiority was proven; the Hb levels started to increase in the first four weeks at a similar increase rate; no obvious differences were observed between the groups in the target Hb achievement cumulative rates, and the Hb levels as well as the target Hb level maintenance rate changed over time. The incidence of AEs was 62.5% in the darbepoetin alfa group and 76.9% in the epoetin alfa group. All the adverse events observed in the study were those commonly associated with hemodialysis.Conclusion:Darbepoetin alfa intravenously once per week can effectively increase Hb levels and maintain the target Hb levels well, which makes it not inferior to epoetin alfa intravenously twice or three times per week. Darbepoetin alfa shows an efficacy and safety comparable to epoetin alfa for the treatment of renal anemia.

  • 标签: anemia chronic renal failure darbepoetin alfa hemodialysis recombinant human erythropoietin
  • 简介:CD8+细胞毒素的T淋巴细胞(CTL)疲劳是为在长期的传染疾病的无效病毒消除的一个主要问题。我们产生了新奇ovalbumin(卵)特定的OVA-Texo和导致治疗学的免疫的HIV特定的Gag-Texo疫苗。在长期的感染估计他们的治疗学的效果,我们由与表示卵的侵入人体气管粘膜的病菌AdVova感染C57BL/6老鼠的i.v开发了一个新长期的感染模型。在长期的AdVova感染期间,老鼠CTL被发现房间死亡protein-1(PD-1)和淋巴细胞激活gene-3(LAG-3)到禁止的分子规划了的快车,证明在T房间增长,IFN-生产和cytolytic的重要缺乏完成机能上地精疲力尽并且。天真的CD8+T房间upregulated禁止的PD-ligand1(PD-L1),B淋巴细胞和T淋巴细胞衰减器和T房间联系变应力缺乏的分子(圣盘和痒)当时下面调整在在有长期的感染的老鼠的刺激之上的proliferative反应。显著地,OVA-Texo疫苗抵抗了T房间变应力缺乏并且变换了CTL疲劳。后者与(i)被联系为CTL功能的一个标记的upregulation,diacetylatedhistone-H3(diAcH3),(ii)CTL,宿主DC的发生独立人士或CD4+T细胞的四折的增加,并且(iii)CTLIFN-生产和cytotoxicity的恢复。在vivoOVA-Texo-stimulatedCTLupregulatedmTORC1的活动小径相关的分子Akt,S6,eIF4E和T赌注,和有一个mTORC1禁止者的CTL的处理,rapamycin,显著地在CTL减少了OVA-Texo-induced增加。有趣地,发信号的OVA-Texo-mediatedCD40L在观察免疫学的效果起了一个关键作用。重要地,Gag-Texo疫苗在长期的感染导致了作呕特定的治疗学的免疫。因此,这研究应该为人的免疫不全在新治疗学的疫苗的发展有严肃的影响病毒(HIV-1)感染。

  • 标签: CD40L CTLS 慢性感染 信号通路 T细胞 细胞毒性T淋巴细胞