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247 个结果
  • 简介:Theaimofthispaperistoprovethefollowingtheoremconcerningthetermbytermdifferentiationthe-oremofWalsh-Kaczmarzseries.Let(ck)beadecreasingrealsequencewithck=o(1/(logk)r)γ)forsomeγ>1.Theng(x)=∞∑k=1ckκk(x),f(x)=∞∑k=1ck/kkk(x)areintegrablefunctionsandf(x)isa.e.dyadic(orButzerandWagner)differentiablewithf[1](x)=g(x)fora.e.x∈[0,1).ThefunctionκkmeansthekthWalsh-Kaczmarzfunction.

  • 标签: 逐项二进可微性 Walsh-Kaczmarz级数 Fejer核 单调系数 Wallsh-Paley函数 Rademacher函数
  • 简介:眼睛一闭一睁,寒假和春节又成了过去时,新学期正在进行中,周围发生了什么变化?你又有什么不一样?听,杭州市时代小学的小读者们说——

  • 标签: 小学 英语作文 写作方法 英语教学
  • 简介:识别北半球(NH)温度重建和仪器的数据过去的1000年证明气候在最后千年includeslong术语趋势和各种各样的摆动变化。二个长期的趋势和quasi-70-year摆动在全球温度系列被检测最后140年和NH千年系列。一个重要特征被强调那温度慢慢地减少,但是它基于不同系列的分析很快增加。好处能从理解各种各样的长期的趋势和摆动气候变化被获得。从自然气候系统和非线性的模型系统的时间序列的千年的温度代理在理解自然气候变化并且认识到由使用小浪的方法的潜在的好处转变分析被使用。从主要摆动在数值解释包含了在上的数字当模特儿的表演的结果内部十的时间规模与自然代理的一致。看起来,在气候变化的这些摆动直接没作为外部强迫与太阳辐射被连接。这调查可以断定在interdecadaltimescale的气候可变性强烈在气候系统取决于内部非线性的效果。

  • 标签: 气候变化 振荡趋势 自然气候系统 非线性模型系统
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  • 简介:AbstractPreeclampsia (PE), a multisystem disorder in pregnancy, is a main cause of perinatal mortality and is associated with long-term maternal complications. For a long time, PE was defined as the new onset hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks’ gestation. It had been shown that this "gold standard definition" is not able to provide a sufficient prediction of PE-related fetal and/or maternal complications. In 2018 the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy recommended a broader definition of the disease. The new definition of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy ruled out proteinuria as mandatory for the diagnosis of PE. This new definition increases the number of patients diagnosed as preeclamptic by nearly 21%, which is not accompanied by an increased severity of maternal outcomes. Including angiogenic biomarkers, however, has been shown to increase detection of adverse outcomes.The pathophysiology of PE is complex and not yet completely explained. Advances in prediction and diagnosis have been achieved by discovery and clinical evaluation of biomarkers, especially of placental origin. A broad spectrum of biomarkers has been tested, a few of them have been introduced into the clinical practice as of today. Especially angiogenic biomarkers that are rooted in the pathophysiology of PE have been demonstrated to be important in the prediction and diagnosis of adverse outcomes. At a cut-off value of the soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1)/placental growth factor (PlGF)-ratio of 85, early-onset PE <34+0 weeks of gestation can accurately be diagnosed with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 97%. The Prediction of short-term outcome in pregnant women with suspected preeclampsia (PROGNOSIS) study has shown that the high negative predictive value (99.3%) of the sFlt-1/PlGF-ratio below 38 in patients with suspected PE rules out the onset of the disease within one week. PROGNOSIS Asia, evaluating the sFlt-1/PlGF-ratio cut-off of 38 in an Asian population, confirmed the excellent accuracy in prediction.Recently, the angiogenic biomarkers have been integrated in multi-marker prediction models. Digital approaches, integrating algorithm-based decision support tools paired with home monitoring devices may be the next step in enhancing predictive accuracy and thus bear the potential to reduce maternal and/or fetal morbidity and mortality and save costs for the payer in parallel. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of current methods for predicting and diagnosing PE.

  • 标签: Biomarkers Prediction Preeclampsia sFlt-1/PlGF Test performance
  • 简介:2004年12月20日晚7点。清华大学东门外的学研大厦三层多功能厅门外.三五成群的年轻人越聚越多.这些时常游走于水木清华BBS的清华网虫们.都是为了观看一部水木清华DV爱情故事的贺岁首映而赶来的。

  • 标签: DV电影 《爱情请用term登录》 水木清华BBS 电影介绍
  • 简介:研究被进行在C在碱新陈代谢的变化上调查高温的效果。升起我们在福雷斯特植物生态学的关键实验室的幼苗,东北林地大学,Heilongiang,中国。60-day-oldC。玫瑰我们有34片叶子的幼苗与30°C的温度在房间被孵化;为短期的热的40°C震惊实验;20°C,25°C;为长期的实验的35°C。vindoline的内容,catharanthine,vinblastine;在C的长春新碱。玫瑰我们离开;根在短术语(16h)在不同温度被检查;长期(116d)。结果在短期的热吃惊下面显示出那,vindoline的内容,catharanthine;在幼苗的叶子的vinblastine在40°C是更高的与比在30°C,但是在6h处理以后,vindoline的内容;在二温度下面的catharanthine来到了一样的水平。Catharanthine只在C被散布。升起我们根;它的内容被40%在40°C在二小时孵化以后增加,当在30°C孵化慢慢地增加了时;在6h到达了最高的价值。在长期的实验,monomeric碱catharanthine的集中;vindoline比在25°C在20°C是更高的;在35°C的条件下面有锋利的增加。当时为二聚的碱,越高,看了那温度,vinblastine内容的山峰价值越earlier出现。长春新碱有连续改进;达到了0.027mg·g[1]在在比处于另外的条件的那些高的35°C状况下面的第16白天。高温能在C支持不同的碱的累积,这被结束。升起我们;累积特征是高度与处理时间有关。

  • 标签: 生物碱 温度 树苗 生长特性
  • 简介:I'mgoodatallschoolsubjectsandIdon’twanttoletanyotheronetakemyplace.Forthis,everyyearImakeanewplanforthecomingterm.Andthefollowingismynewterm'splan.

  • 标签: 初中 英语 学生习作 书面表达
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  • 简介:InChina,thereisasystemknownas'legalaward,'whichisappliedtopeopleservingprisonterms.Aprison-erwhogetssuchawardmayhavehisorherprisontermsreducedorevenhavehimselforherselfreleasedonparole.Thelegalawardhastobepassedbythepeople'scourtaccordingtoastrictjudicialprocedureafterreceivingtheapplicationfrompenaltyexecutionorganortheprisonauthority.Theprincipleforsuchawardisthattheremustbegoodperformanceinrepentandthereisnolongerthreattothesociety.

  • 标签: 无锡 监狱管理 人权问题 中国
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Leukocyte telomere length shortening is a characteristic of premature senescence, a process that can be accelerated by oxidative stress. In general, patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing regular hemodialysis (HD) are repeatedly exposed to oxidative stress. Patients undergoing HD tend to have cardiovascular diseases associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. Therefore, we assumed that telomere length is associated with HD vintage and the degree of vascular calcification.Methods:A total of 144 patients undergoing regular HD before kidney transplantation and 62 patients on hemodialysis, but not undergoing kidney transplantation, were enrolled. We measured common laboratory values, such as calcium, phosphate, and hemoglobin levels, and assessed the degree of vascular calcification in the patients. The leukocyte telomere length was measured using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, and Spearman correlation was used for correlation analysis.Results:The leukocyte telomere length was negatively associated with age (rho = -0.306, P <0.01); it was shorter in middle-aged patients than in young patients (13.48 ± 4.80 vs. 15.86 ± 4.51, P < 0.01). The telomere length was significantly different among patients aged 52-74 years in groups with different HD vintages. Additionally, the telomere length was positively associated with serum hemoglobin (Hb) levels in all patients (rho = 0.290, P < 0.01). There was a significant difference among patients divided into three groups according to the degree of anemia (17.09 ± 5.64 vs. 14.40 ± 4.07 vs. 13.99 ± 3.95, P < 0.01). Further, a significant difference was observed in the telomere length among patients with different degrees of vascular calcification (16.79 ± 4.91 vs. 13.61 ± 2.82 vs. 14.62 ± 3.63 vs. 10.71 ± 3.74, P < 0.01). The telomere length was shorter in the patients on hemodialysis who did not receive a kidney transplant than in the surgical patients (8.12 ± 1.83 vs. 14.33 ± 4.63, P < 0.01).Conclusion:This study demonstrated that the telomere length was significantly correlated with HD vintage in patients of a certain age group. The telomere length was shorter in patients on hemodialysis who matched for age and dialysis vintage with kidney transplant patients. It was also associated with vascular calcification and serum Hb levels in all patients undergoing HD.

  • 标签: Telomere length Hemodialysis Chronic kidney disease Cardiovascular disease Hemoglobin