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35 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractA clinically reliable non-invasive test for endometriosis is expected to reduce the diagnostic delay. Although varieties of biomarkers have been investigated for decades, and cancer antigen-125, cancer antigen-199, interleukin-6, and urocortin were the most studied ones among hundreds of biomarkers, no clinically reliable biomarkers have been confirmed so far. Some emerging technologies including "omics" technologies, molecular imaging techniques, and microRNAs are promising in solving these challenges, but their utility to detect endometriosis has yet to be verified. New combinations of researched indicators or other non-invasive methods and further exploration of the emerging technologies may be new targets and future research hotspots for non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis. In conclusion, researches of biomarkers for the detection of endometriosis are still ongoing and may benefit from novel molecular biology, bioinformatics methods and a combination of more diverse monitoring methods. Though it will be a daunting task, the identification of a specific set of diagnostic biomarkers will undoubtedly improve the status of endometriosis.

  • 标签: Biomarkers Endometriosis Non-invasive diagnosis
  • 简介:Nasopharyngealcarcinoma(NPC)isacommonheadandneckmalignancy.TheincidenceofNPCishigherinSouthernChinaandSoutheastAsiacomparedwithWesterncountries.Givenitshighradiosensitivity,thestandardtreatmentforNPCisradiotherapy.However,radioresistanceremainsaseriousobstacletosuccessfultreatment.Radioresistancecancauselocalrecurrenceanddistantmetastasesinsomepatientsaftertreatmentbyradiation.Thus,specialemphasishasbeengiventothediscoveryofeffectiveradiosensitizers.Thisreviewaimstodiscussthebiomarkers,classifiedaccordingtothemainmechanismsofradiosensitization,whichcanenhancethesensitivityofNPCcellstoionizingradiation.

  • 标签: 鼻咽癌细胞 放射敏感性 生物标志物 放射增敏剂 抗辐射性 恶性肿瘤
  • 简介:为努力与他们的搭挡一起怀孕的男人,诊断工具被限制并且经常由仅仅标准精液分析组成。这基线测试用作男富饶的一个粗略的评价,离开需要另外的诊断biomarkers的病人和临床医生。精液从因此,这评论在某些男不孕情形在当前、新奇的精液的biomarkers上集中包括自然富饶,区分精子缺乏病原学,并且预言的繁殖的腺帮助了的男性包含分子的最高的集中繁殖技术成功。当前可得到的测试包括antisperm抗体试金,DNA破碎索引,在situ杂交的精子荧光,和另外的历史的精子功能的测试。当前的试金的差的诊断能力导致了继续的努力发现更预兆的biomarkers。genomics,epigenetics,proteomics,transcriptomics,和为新奇男不孕biomarkers的发展的metabolomics抓住诺言的地里的新兴的研究。TEX101,ECM1,和ACRV1的精液的基于蛋白质的试金已经是可得到的或在为临床的使用的最后的开发中。当我们试图理解男不孕的pathophysiologic过程,DNA,RNA,蛋白质,或代谢物的另外的面板正在被探索。未来冒险将需要继续数据集成和确认让临床上有用的不孕biomarkers的开发帮助男不孕诊断,处理,并且建议。

  • 标签: 男性不育症 生物标志物 精液 蛋白质组学 评价 诊断工具
  • 简介:TheobjectiveofthisreviewwastoassesstheuseofheartfailurebiomarkersinChina.TheliteratureofthecommonlyusedandnewheartfailurebiomarkershadbeenreviewedinChina.Itisconcludedthatnotonlytoconsidertheuseofthenewmarkers,buttostudythecombinationuseofthemarkersand/orotherindexeswouldbethenextstepforafutureheartfailurestudy.Also,individualizedandcombinationaluseoftheheartfailuremarkersmightbethemostfittingtoadapttothedevelopmentalchangesinChina.

  • 简介:尽管测试的前列腺特定的抗原(PSA)无疑增加了的浆液的平淡的使用前列腺癌症(PCa)察觉,它的主要缺点之一是它特性的缺乏。作为后果,许多人为懒惰的瘤经历不必要的活体检视或治疗。PCa特定的标记为疾病和一个前列腺瘤的攻击性的预言的早察觉被需要。因为PCa是异构的疾病,瘤标记的一块面板为更精确的诊断是基本的。几biomarkers由于他们为在组织的疾病的特性是有希望的。然而,织物是象一个可能的屏蔽工具不合适。因为尿能容易以一种非侵略的方式被获得,它是为测试的biomarker的有希望的底层。这篇文章为在尿的PCa的非侵略的测试考察biomarkers

  • 标签: 生物标志物 前列腺癌 特异性抗原 早期检测 前列腺肿瘤 尿
  • 简介:AbstractFetal growth restriction (FGR) has a prevalence of about 10% worldwide and is associated with an increased risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity. FGR is commonly caused by placental insufficiency and can begin early (<32 weeks) or in late (≥32 weeks) gestational age. A false positive antenatal diagnosis may lead to unnecessary monitoring and interventions, as well as cause maternal anxiety. Whereas a false negative diagnosis exposes the fetus to an increased risk of stillbirth and renders the pregnancy ineligible from the appropriate care and potential treatments. The clinical management of FGR pregnancies faces a complex challenge of deciding on the optimal timing of delivery as currently the main solution is to deliver the baby early, but iatrogenic preterm delivery of infants is associated with adverse short-and long-term outcomes. Early and accurate diagnosis of FGR could aid in better stratification of clinical management, and the development and implementation of treatment options, ultimately benefiting clinical care and potentially improving both short-and long-term health outcomes. The aim of this review is to present the new insights on biomarkers of placenta insufficiency, including their current and potential value of biomarkers in the prediction and prevention for FGR, and highlight the association between biomarkers and adverse outcomes in utero to explore the specific mechanism of impaired fetal growth that establish the basis for disease later in life.

  • 标签: Biomarkers Fetal growth restriction Placental insufficiency Adverse outcome
  • 简介:Alcoholicliverdiseaseisanestablished,yetcontroversial,indicationforlivertransplantation.Althoughanabstinenceperiodofupto6mopriortotransplantationismandatory,alcoholrelapseaftertransplantationisacommonevent.Incaseofrecurrenceofheavydrinking,graftsurvivalissignificantlyimpaired.Guidelinesondetectionandsurveillanceofalcoholconsumptioninthispatientcohortarelacking.Thisreviewsummarizesthechallengeofpatientselectionaswellasthecurrentknowledgeonestablishedandnovelalcoholbiomarkerswithspecialfocusonlivertransplantcandidatesandrecipients.

  • 标签: ETHYL GLUCURONIDE Liver cirrhosis Short TERM
  • 简介:Biomarkerisanimportanttoolinthestudyofmarineorganicgeochemistry.Itsdevelopmentandapplicationmakesitpossibletoelucidatetheprocessandmechanismoftheorganicmatterintheocean.Hydrocarbonsarethemostusefulmolecularmarkers.Theyareusedastracersinmanyaspects,suchassourceindication;thedegradationoforganicmatter;diagensisprocess;environmentalpollutionandpaleooceanicstudy,etc.Theyarestudiedintheestuaries,coastalareaanddeepseatogivetheknowledgeofmarineorganicgeochemistry.Thepaperdealswiththecharacteristics,developmentandapplicationofbiomarkersaswellastheiradvantagesanddisadvantages.

  • 标签: biomarker. hydrocarbon MARINE ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY
  • 简介:Theauthorsstudiedthebiomarkers(alkanes)ofeightironoresamplesfromNianpanshanandDsbaoduiofPangjiabaoandLongguan,Xuanhua,Hebei.ThesesampleshavehighernC15-nC20contents,withmainpeaksatnC16,nC17andnC18,andcontainabundantpristaneandphytane.Theseresultsindicatethatironstromatoliteandirononcolitesinorebodiesaresedimentarystructuresofalgalorigin.Sedimentaryironaccumulationmainlyresultsfromactivityofbluealgae.ThisstudyprovidesnewvaluableevidencefortheoriginofXuanlong-typeirondeposits.

  • 标签: Xuanlong iron deposit ALGA BIOMARKER ALKANE
  • 简介:作为高度恶意的癌症和在世界上的癌症相关的死亡的第四个原因,胰腺的癌症被忧郁的预后描绘,由于到化疗的快速的疾病前进,高度侵略的瘤显型,和抵抗。尽管有在疾病的治疗的重要进展在过去的十年期间,幸存率几乎没被改进。到差的结果的一个贡献因素是为早诊断的适当敏感、特定的biomarkers的缺乏。而且,为指向,指导并且估计治疗学的干预,以及为剩余或周期性的癌症的察觉的biomarkers也被需要。因此,在胰腺的癌症的足够的biomarkers的鉴定具有极端重要性。最近,伴随proteomic技术和设备的发展,越来越潜在的biomarkers出现了并且被报导。在这评论,我们在胰腺的癌症提供基于proteome的biomarkers的角色的概述,包括织物,浆液,果汁,尿和房间线。我们以后也讨论可能的机制和前景。那个信息可能希望对这块地里的进一步的研究有用。

  • 标签: 蛋白质组学技术 生物标志物 胰腺癌 基础 早期诊断 癌症
  • 简介:AbstractGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a growing public health problem worldwide that threatens both maternal and fetal health. Identifying individuals at high risk for GDM and diabetes after GDM is particularly useful for early intervention and prevention of disease progression. In the last decades, a number of studies have used metabolomics, genomics, and proteomic approaches to investigate associations between biomolecules and GDM progression. These studies clearly demonstrate that various biomarkers reflect pathological changes in GDM. The established markers have potential use as screening and diagnostic tools in GDM and in postpartum diabetes research. In the present review, we summarize recent studies of metabolites, single-nucleotide polymorphisms, microRNAs, and proteins associated with GDM and its transition to postpartum diabetes, with a focus on their predictive value in screening and diagnosis.

  • 标签: Gestational diabetes mellitus Biomarkers Metabolomics Proteomics microRNA Single-nucleotide polymorphism
  • 简介:BackgroundMicroRNAshaverecentlybeenconsideredasbiomarkersinseveraldifferentcardiovasculardiseases,however,sofartherearenocirculatingmiRNAsdataabouthypertension.Therefore,theaimofthepresentpilotstudywastoidentifycirculatingmiRNAsforhypertensionbiomarkers.MethodsUsinganAgilentmicroarray,plasmamiRNAswereprofiledfromplasmasamplesof10patientswithuntreatedessentialhypertensionand10healthycontrols.CandidatebiomarkersidentifiedintheprofilesweresubjectedtovalidationbyusingquantitativePCRinanindependentsamplesetof20patientswithuntreatedessentialhypertensionand20healthycontrols.Then,weassessedtheselectedmiRNAsforthedetectionanddiagnosisofhypertensionfromplasmasamplesof70patientswithuntreatedessentialhypertensionand20healthycontrols.TheSpearmancorrelationcoefficientwasusedtoassessedtheselectedmiRNAscorrelationswithbloodpressure.Theareaunderthereceiveroperatingcharacteristiccurve(AUC)wasusedtoevaluatediagnosticaccuracy.ResultsTheexpressionsofselected8miRNAswereinvestigatedindependentlyinplasmasamplesfrom10hypertensionpatientsand10healthysubjects.ThelevelsofcirculatingmiR-30c-5p,miR-133b,miR-29b-3p,miR-29a-3p,miR-29c-3p,miR-30a-3p,miR-let7b-3pexpressionweresignificantlydownregulatedinhypertensiongroupcomparedwithhealthygroupandthelevelofhsa-miR-92b-3pwassignificantlyunregulatedbetweenthegroups.WeusedqRT-PCRassaytoconfirmtheexpressionof8candidatemiRNAs,miR-30c-5p(P<0.001),miR-29b-3p(P<0.001),miR-29a-3p(P=0.027),miR-29c-3p(P<0.001),miR-92b-3p(P=0.003),miR-30a-3p(P=0.704),miR-133b(P=0.346),andmiR-let7b(P=0.161).ThediagnosticaccuracyofmiR-30c-5p,miR-29b-3p,miR-29a-3p,miR-29c-3pandmiR-92b-3p,asmeasuredbyAUC,were0.897,0.90,0.829,0.825and0.832,respectively,withallP<0.001.ConclusionsTheplasmalevelsofmiR-30c-5p,miR-29b-3p,miR-29a-3p,miR-29c-3pandmiR-92b-3passociatedwithhypertensionwhichprovideanimp

  • 标签: 生物标志物 高血压病 microRNA MIRNAS 高血压患者 RT-PCR法
  • 作者: Li Lianwang Wang Yinyan Li Yiming Fang Shengyu Jiang Tao
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《中华神经外科杂志(英文)》 2020年第02期
  • 机构:Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Capital Medical University, No. 119 South 4th Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 10070, China,Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, No. 119 South 4th Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 10070, China,Beijing Neurosurgical Institute, Capital Medical University, No. 119 South 4th Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 10070, China; Department of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, No. 119 South 4th Ring West Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 10070, China
  • 简介:AbstractNew discoveries based on genetic and epigenetic evidence have significantly expanded the understanding of diffuse gliomas. Molecular biomarkers detected in diffuse gliomas are not only potential targets for radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, but are also able to guide surgical treatment. Previous studies have suggested that the optimal extent of resection of diffuse gliomas varies according to the expression of specific molecular biomarkers. However, the specific guiding role of these biomarkers in the resection of diffuse gliomas has not been systemically analyzed. This review summarizes several critical molecular biomarkers of tumorigenesis and progression in diffuse gliomas and discusses different strategies of tumor resection in the context of varying genetic expression. With ongoing study and advances in technology, molecular biomarkers will play a more important role in glioma resection and maximize the survival benefit from surgery for diffuse gliomas.

  • 标签: Glioma Molecular biomarkers Guidance Resection
  • 简介:Molecularbiomarkersaretheimportantmaturityparametersforsedimentaryorganicmatter.Theyhavealsobeenwidelyusedfordeterminingthematurityoforganicmatterinoredeposits.However,duringthestudyoforganicmatterintheKupferschieferfromtheLubinmine,ithadbeenfoundthatthebiomarkerswereinfluencedbysulfideformation.Inordertoprobeintothedegreeofinfluenceonbiomarkers,sevensamplescollectedfromaKupferschiefersectionfromtheLubinminewereanalyzedbyvariousgeochemicalmethods.Theresultsindicatedthatinthesampleswithhighercoppercontents,thevaluesofbiomarkersarelowerthaninthesampleswithlowercoppercontents.Inhighlymineralizedsamples,hydrogendonationforthermochemicalsulfatereduction(TSR)occurredinalkylatedphenanthrenesandnaphthalenes,leadingtothedecreaseof12biomarkerparametersduringtheKupferschiefermineralization.

  • 标签: 分子生物标签 甲基菲指数 矿石信息 卢布林沉积矿 波兰
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Laboratory diagnosis of neurosyphilis (NS) remains a great challenge. This study was the aimed to identify miRNA candidates as biomarkers to distinguish between NS, non-neurosyphilis, and healthy controls (HCs).Methods:We analyzed miRNA expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from six patients with NS, eight patients with secondary syphilis (SS), and five HCs using microarray technology. The differentially expressed miRNAs were validated in 33 NS samples, 31 SS samples, and 30 HC samples using TaqMan miRNA real-time qPCR (qRT-PCR).Results:Thirty-nine miRNAs were differentially expressed in SS and NS patients compared with HCs. Thirteen miRNAs were randomly selected to validate their expression levels in the same samples used in microarray assay by qRT-PCR. All miRNAs were upregulated in SS and NS samples compared with HC. qRT-PCR analysis of the expression of the 13 miRNAs in a second cohort (76 samples) showed that the average expression levels of nine miRNAs were higher in SS than in NS (SS: 0.185, NS: 0.136, P=3.8E-10), while the expressions of the other four miRNAs were lower in SS than in NS (SS: 0.000757, NS: 0.000873, P=0.022). ROC curve analysis of the 13 miRNAs showed the area under the curve value to be 1.00 for distinguishing SS patients from HCs, 1.00 for distinguishing NS patients from HCs, 1.00 for distinguishing SS and NS patients from HCs, and 0.968 for distinguishing NS from SS patients.Conclusion:The present study is the first one that identified differentially expressed miRNAs in PBMCs from patients with NS. Our results suggest that the 13 candidate miRNAs in PBMCs may be novel noninvasive biomarkers for NS diagnosis.

  • 标签: diagnosis microRNAs neurosyphilis peripheral blood mononuclear cells syphilis
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Recent studies suggest that a healthy diet helps to prevent the development of Alzheimer disease (AD). This study aimed to investigate whether spicy food consumption is associated with cognition and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of AD in the Chinese population.Methods:We enrolled 55 AD patients and 55 age- and gender-matched cognitively normal (CN) subjects in a case-control study, as well as a cohort of 131 participants without subjective cognitive decline (non-AD) in a cross-sectional study. Spicy food consumption was assessed using the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Associations of FFQ scores with cognition and CSF biomarkers of AD were analyzed.Results:In the case-control study, spicy food consumption was lower in AD patients than that in CNs (4.0 [4.0-8.0] vs. 8.0 [4.5-10.0], P < 0.001); FFQ scores were positively associated with Mini-Mental Status Examination scores in the total sample (r = 0.218, P = 0.014). In the cross-sectional study, the association between spicy food consumption and cognition levels was verified in non-AD subjects (r = 0.264, P = 0.0023). Moreover, higher FFQ scores were significantly associated with higher β-Amyloid (1-42) (Aβ42) levels and lower phospho-tau/Aβ42 and total tau/Aβ42 ratios in the CSF of non-AD subjects (P < 0.05).Conclusion:Spicy food consumption is closely related to higher cognition levels and reversed AD biomarkers in the CSF, suggesting that a capsaicin-rich diet might have the potential to modify the cognitive status and cerebral pathologies associated with AD.

  • 标签: Alzheimer disease Biomarker Capsaicin Cerebrospinal fluid Cognition Spicy food
  • 简介:AbstractWith the development of human assisted reproductive technology (ART), an objective, accurate, and non-invasive method to assess the quality and viability of oocytes and embryos remains one of the most significant goals. Granulosa cells (GCs) play an essential role in oocyte development. GCs can differentiate into mural GCs (MGCs) and cumulus cells (CCs) under the influence of oocytes. MGCs promote the growth and development of follicles by secreting cytokines and steroid hormones. Simultaneously, CCs can form cumulus-oocyte complexes to communicate with oocytes through gap junctions and promote oocyte growth and maturation. Seeking suitable biomarkers in GCs provides a direction for the non-invasive assessment of oocyte and embryo abilities during ART procedures. To date, only a few studies have investigated potentially effective GC biomarkers during ART processes, such as the apoptosis of GCs, transcriptomic characteristics of GCs, quality and quantity of mitochondria in GCs, and telomere length of such cells. These are potential reference indices for screening high-quality oocytes and embryos. Independent studies on MGCs and CCs can provide more effective results. Although there is scope for optimization and improvement, the results have become increasingly accurate with the constant advances in technology. Due to the heterogeneity of the study population and technical limitations, clinical tests for GCs cannot be performed as part of routine tests, but their prospects are promising. This article reviews the biomarkers that have been studied in MGCs and CCs.

  • 标签: Assisted Reproductive Embryo Quality Granulosa Cell Oocyte Competence
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Recent studies have demonstrated that microRNAs (miRNAs) in the blood circulation can serve as promising diagnostic markers for cancers. This four-stage study aimed at finding serum miRNAs as potential biomarkers for lung adenocarcinoma (LA) diagnosis.Methods:The study was carried out between 2016 and 2017. The Exiqon miRNA qPCR panel (3 LA vs. 1 normal control [NC] pooled serum samples) was used for initial screening to acquire miRNA profiles. Thirty-five dysregulated miRNAs were further evaluated in the training (24 LA vs. 24 NCs) and testing stages (110 LA vs. 110 NCs) using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assays.Results:Four serum miRNAs (miR-133a-3p, miR-584-5p, miR-10b-5p, and miR-221-3p) were significantly overexpressed in LA patients compared with NCs. The diagnostic value of the four-miRNA panel was validated by an external cohort (36 LA vs. 36 NCs). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the four-miRNA panel in the training, testing, and external validation stages were 0.734, 0.803, and 0.894 respectively. Meanwhile, the expression level of miR-221-3p was much higher in LA tumor samples than that in the adjacent normal tissues (19 LA vs. 19 NCs). The expression level of miR-10b-5p was also elevated in the serum-derived exosomes samples (18 LA vs. 18 NCs). The expression of miR-133a-3p, miR-584-5p, and miR-10b-5p was significantly elevated in LA patients with epidermal growth factor receptor mutation compared with NCs.Conclusion:The study established a four-miRNA signature in serum that could improve the diagnostic capability of LA.

  • 标签: Serum microRNA Lung adenocarcinoma Diagnostic biomarker Exosomes Epidermal growth factor receptor
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