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6 个结果
  • 简介:目的损伤在死亡的领先的原因之中。钝腹的损伤(蝙蝠)的医药管理依靠判定剖腹术是谁强制的病人。这研究试图决定蝙蝠病人的符号,以及paraclinical数据,并且澄清精确性,敏感,特性,临床的腹的得分系统(CASS)的积极、否定的预兆的价值,一个新得分系统基于临床的符号,在预言一个蝙蝠病人是否需要剖腹术。完全,400个病人怀疑了从2007年3月20日在二所大学医院的紧急情况部门到达了德黑兰到2009年3月19日的蝙蝠的方法在这研究被包括。他们好久被评估,性,损伤的类型,收缩血压,格拉斯哥昏迷规模(GCS),脉搏率,在损伤以后的表示的时间,腹的临床的调查结果,呼吸的率,温度,血红素(Hb)集中,在损伤的集中的腹的sonography(快)并且CASS。我们的大小显示出的结果那CASS有94%的精确性,100%,88%的特性,90%的积极预兆的价值和在在蝙蝠病人决定剖腹术的必要性的100%的否定预兆的价值的敏感。而且在我们的分析,收缩血压,GCS,脉搏率,Hb集中,在损伤以后的表示的时间,腹的临床的调查结果并且也快被显示在为剖腹术证实需要有用(P<0.05)。结论CASS是在对剖腹术以及在在蝙蝠病人为进一步的评估最小化辅助开销的需要的快速的察觉的一个有希望的得分系统,这样支持诊断的本利的比率和精确性。

  • 标签: 临床症状 评分系统 预测值 闭合性 腹部 手术
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Neuronavigation is a very beneficial tool in modern neurosurgical practice. However, the neuronavigation is not available in most of the hospitals in our country raising the question about its importance in localizing the calvarial extra-axial lesions and to what extent it is safe to operate without it.Methods:We studied twenty patients with calvarial extra-axial lesions who underwent surgical interventions. All lesions were preoperatively located with both neuronavigation and the usual linear measurements. Both methods were compared regarding the time consumed to localize the tumor and the accuracy of each method to anticipate the actual center of the tumor.Results:The mean error of distance between the planned center of the tumor and the actual was 6.50 ± 1.762 mm in conventional method, whereas the error was 3.85 ± 1.309 mm in IGS method. Much more time was consumed during the neuronavigation method including booting, registration, and positioning. A statistically significant difference was found between the mean time passed in the conventional method and IGS method (2.05 ± 0.826, 24.90 ± 1.334, respectively), P-value < 0.001.Conclusion:In the setting of limited resources, the linear measurement localization method seems to have an accepted accuracy in the localization of calvarial extra-axial lesions and it saves more time than neuronavigation method.

  • 标签: Calvarial Extra-axial Meningioma Neuronavigation Streotaxy
  • 简介:Somepreliminaryresultsonstrictboundedreallemmafortime-varyingcontinuouslinearsystemsareproposed,whereuncertaintyininitialconditions,terminalcostandextremeofthecostfunctionaredealtwithexplicitly.Basedontheseresults,anewrecursiveapproachisproposedinthenecessityproofofstrictboundedreallemmaforgeneralizedlinearsystemwithfinitediscretejumps.

  • 标签: 有界实定理 有限离散转移 线性系统 黎卡提方程