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500 个结果
  • 简介:or through a comic-strip panel. All kinds of ads can use this body copy,Advertisers use the narrative copy to tell a story. It often sets up a problem and then creates a solution using the particular sales features of the product or service. It may then suggest that the audiences use the same solution if they have that problem. Service advertisements are often written in this . For instance,is used in almost 80% the service advertisements. Institutional copy is often used to sell an idea or the merits of the organization or service rather than sales features of a particular product. Often institutional copy is also narrative in because it lends warmth to the organization. Banks

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  • 简介:头痛"开关"头痛时可以用拇指和食指轻轻地揪揉印堂穴(位于两眉连线正中间),这个部位2分钟左右,动作宜慢不宜快,稍微用点力,以感觉微麻、发胀为宜。背痛"开关"搓捂后腰。将两手搓热后,放在后背脊柱两侧的腰眼处,稍停片刻,然后用力向下搓至尾骨处。经常背痛的人可以每次做50~100遍,每天早晚各做1次。肩痛"开关"提揉"肩峰"。双手虎口张开,四指并拢,自然地搭在被按者肩部,五指用力拿捏,如果再用空心拳捶捶后背,效果会更好。

  • 标签: 印堂穴 可久 心脑血管疾病 搭在 背痛 正中间
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  • 简介:但起码我的A4的动力比起十多年前我刚提车时没有什么衰减,我只要舍得踩油门,它还是能窜出去。而且刹车性能非常强,我是10万公里的时候换的刹车片,现在感觉刹车性能都比艾力绅要强。

  • 标签: 刹车性能 刹车片 A4 烧机油 张先生
  • 简介:摘要某电厂#4锅炉管式空气预热器出现压差增大的现象,导致锅炉带负荷能力降低,本文分析#4锅炉空气预热器压差增大的原因分析,并提出可行性建议。

  • 标签: 管式空气预热器 漏风 堵塞
  • 简介:目的:分析Bowen病患者的临床表现、误诊情况及治疗方法。方法:对我院诊治的4例Bowen病患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:患者年龄52~78岁,皮损为单发,无内脏转移,病程中均存在误诊,误诊为“皮炎、湿疹、银屑病、Paget病”等。结论:Bowen病临床特异性差,组织病理学检查为诊断本病的金标准,医务人员应加强对Bowen病的认识,对疑诊患者应及早病理检查,以早发现、早治疗。

  • 标签: BOWEN病 临床 病理 误诊
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  • 简介:the body copy is a logical continuation of the headline and subheads. It is also where the sale is closed. The body copy should relate to the campaign appeal and to the reader’s self-interest,or through a comic-strip panel. All kinds of ads can use this body copy,headlines of technical equipment ads mean to attract readers by displaying the unknown information of a product. 

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  • 简介:1.ever意为“曾经”,常用于一般疑问句中。例如:HaveyoueverbeentoBeijing?你曾经到过北京吗?【拓展】1)ever用于条件句和否定句中,表示“任何时候、无论何时”。例如:

  • 标签: 要点归纳 讲解 EVER 一般疑问句 HAVE 否定句
  • 简介:得知腾讯在3月15日进行QQ2006betal版3DQQ秀公测的消息后,好奇的菲儿很想见识一下。不过很可惜,目前只有红钻贵族会员和icoke会员才能体验3DQQ秀,菲儿只是普通会员,好郁闷啊!看到蕙蕙的小闻两人用3D互动模式聊天,菲儿羡慕极了。不就是每月10元钱嘛,菲儿决定成为红钻贵族会员,亲身体验3DQQ秀的魅力。感兴趣的同学也去体验一下吧!

  • 标签: QQ秀 会员 腾讯QQ 3D互动模式聊天