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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要目的研究分析中期妊娠引产并发羊水栓塞临床护理效果。方法选取2012年6月至2014年6月入住我院妇产科5例中期妊娠引产并发羊水栓塞患者作为研究对象,对其进行临床抢救措施及生理护理,对其效果进行分析。结果5例中期妊娠引产并发羊水栓塞患者经急救和临床护理后均抢救成功,并且愈后恢复状况良好。结论中期妊娠引产并发羊水栓塞对于孕妇来说是有致命生命危险,对其进行有针对性临床生理护理措施,有效降低了死亡率,并提高了患者生活质量及急救效果。

  • 标签: 中期妊娠 羊水栓塞 生理护理
  • 简介:目的探索洞庭湖区湖北钉螺空间格局动态变化,为钉螺生态学及螺口动力学研究提供基础信息。方法选择湖南省岳阳市君山区洞庭湖一块草滩为现场,在2007年10月~2008年5月洞庭湖未涨水期间进行系统抽样查螺;分框计数,压螺鉴定死活。对部分汇总数据进行对数转换,计算扩散系数C、众生指标I、平均拥挤度M^*、La指标等聚集度指标;拟合Taylor模型LgS^2-Lgm,Iwao模型M^*-m、兰星平La-m模型,C-S2模型等对空间格局分布进行检验。结果不不同时间点扩散系数C、众生指数I、平均拥挤度M^*、La指标都有统计学意义,取值与界限值相比均使得S2-M〉0及S2/M〉1;Taylor对数线性模型,M*-m、La-m、C-S2等线性模型均有统计学意义,参数取值组合也均使得S2-M〉0及S2/M〉1;聚集度指标随均值同方向变化。结论钉螺空间分布格局动态成聚集分布,聚集度指标随均值同方向变化。

  • 标签: 湖北钉螺 空间格局 种群生态
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  • 简介:摘要月经周期推后7天以上,甚至四五十天一行,连续两个周期以上者,称为月经后期。若偶尔一次错后不属本病。初潮不久,月经周期尚未建立者,一年内不作月经后期诊断。如已建立正常周期而后月经周期延后7天以上,甚至四五十天一行,连续两个周期以上者,则属月经后期。46岁以后进入更年期妇女月经延迟,也不作月经后期诊断。本病又称“经行后期”、“经水过期”、“经水后期”、“月经延后”、“月经缩后”、“月经落后”、“月经错后”、“经迟”等。

  • 标签: 月经 推迟 中医治疗
  • 简介:摘要目的探讨儿童蓝鼓膜常见病因及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析2002年到2010年我院门诊收治蓝鼓膜患儿19临床资料。结果19例患儿16例为特发性血鼓室,1例为颞骨外伤,1例为中耳粘膜色素沉着,1例为高位颈静脉球。结论儿童蓝鼓膜成因多为特发性血鼓室,保守治疗大多有效,其他病因较少见,选择合理检查以明确诊断,需进行相应病因治疗。

  • 标签: 儿童 蓝鼓膜 病因
  • 简介:AbstractThe novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the third coronavirus outbreak in the last two decades. Emerging and re-emerging infections like COVID-19 pose serious challenges of the paucity of information and lack of specific cure or vaccines. This leaves utilisation of existing scientific data on related viral infections and repurposing relevant aetiologic and supportive therapies as the best control approach while novel strategies are developed and trialled. Many promising antiviral agents including lopinavir, ritonavir, remdesivir, umifenovir, darunavir, and oseltamivir have been repurposed and are currently trialled for the care for COVID-19 patients. Adjunct therapies for the management of symptoms and to provide support especially in severe and critically ill patients have also been identified. This review provides an appraisal of the current evidence for the rational use of frontline therapeutics in the management of COVID-19. It also includes updates regarding COVID-19 immunotherapy and vaccine development.

  • 标签: SAR-CoV-2 COVID-19 Respiratory Drug repurposing Antiviral Supportive therapy Immunotherapy
  • 简介:AbstractA large-scale vaccination of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) in adults has been conducted for nearly a year, and there is a growing recognition that immunization for children is also essential. It has been months since emergency use of pediatric COVID-19 vaccine was approved, we reviewed the prevalence and transmission of COVID-19 in children. The prevalence of COVID-19 in children is reduced due to vaccination even in a Delta prevalent period, so an increase in the vaccination rate is needed in children. Although the precise role of children in the transmission requires more research to uncover, they likely played a significant role, according to the available literature. We also described four candidate COVID-19 vaccines for children on their safety and immunogenicity and the impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 variants on childhood vaccination. Safety issues on pediatric vaccines post-approval, like adverse events following immunization and adverse events of special interest require studies on long-term and effective regulatory mechanisms.

  • 标签: Adverse events COVID-19 Children COVID-19 vaccine SARS-CoV-2 transmission Vaccine safety
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  • 简介:近年来,随着高分子生物合成纤维网片在临床上广泛应用,对巨大腹壁切口疝治疗取得显著进展。将19例巨大腹壁切口疝患者治疗体会报道如下。

  • 标签: 切口疝 腹部 围手术期 疝修补术
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  • 简介:摘要BACKGROUNDCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by a new Betacoronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is currently a global pandemic. Gathered clinicopathological evidence in COVID-19 patients shows that alveoli injuries and interstitial changes are the major mechanisms of impaired O2/CO2 exchange. Few rehabilitation exercises concerning COVID-19 patients were reported. Here, we present a modified version of rehabilitation exercises based on the underlying mechanism of the disease to mild cases of COVID-19. These exercises aimed to improve the pulmonary function of patients and ease the expectoration process. Additionally, an essential branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) named acupressure was integrated into the exercises to facilitate the recovery and maintenance of pulmonary function.METHODSFrom March 4, 2020 to May 5, 2020, a total of 60 COVID-19 patients who completed the full course of MRE were enrolled in this observational study. The diagnostic and classification criteria were based on the 7th edition of Diagnosis and Treatment Guideline of COVID-19 published by the National Health Commission of the People′s Republic of China. We prospectively gathered patients′ reported outcomes concerning respiration-related symptoms at four different time points, including: (I) at admission; (II) at the time of hospital discharge; (III) two weeks after discharge; (IV) four weeks after discharge. The reported respiratory symptoms included dry cough, productive cough, difficulty in expectoration, and dyspnea.RESULTSIn total, 60 confirmed mild COVID-19 cases were enrolled with a median age of 54 years old. The baseline prevalence for dry cough, productive cough, difficulty in expectoration, and dyspnea were 41.7%, 43.3%, 35.0%, and 50.0%, respectively. The pronounced decline in symptom prevalence was recorded over time. Interestingly, four weeks after discharge, we noticed a lower remission rate in productive cough and difficulty in expectoration.CONCLUSIONThe modified rehabilitation exercises were retrieved from the Eight-Section Brocade, and are specifically designed for rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients at home or health facilities. Based on current findings on pronouncedly improved remission rate in respiratory symptoms, we recommend the MRE as suitable rehabilitation exercise to smooth respiration and ease the expectoration process in mild COVID-19 cases.

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  • 简介:摘要目的通过对异位妊娠误诊为宫内孕实例分析,以期降低岁异位妊娠误诊率。方法选取2011年3月~2013年3月间于我院就诊19例异位妊娠被误诊为宫内孕患者,其中12例接受人工流产,4例接受药物流产,3例接受保胎治疗。结果最终19例均确诊是异位妊娠,而非宫内孕。19例患者中16例接受手术治疗,3例接受保守治疗。结论对于异位妊娠诊断,临床医生需要提高警惕性,将多种检查方式联合使用,以期使误诊率得到有效降低。

  • 标签: 异位妊娠 宫内孕 误诊
  • 简介:摘要目的探讨剖宫产切口感染影响因素。方法回顾性分析我院2013年1月至2013年12月间实行剖宫产手术后发生感染案例,将感染患者作为观察组,共计19例;选择同期实施剖宫产手术后未发生感染病例19例作为对照组,将两组患者临床资料进行对比分析。结果观察组患者在产前身体状况、手术情况以及术后恢复方面与对照组产妇相比较差(P<0.05)。结论综上所述,剖宫产产妇应针对上述相关因素分析,进行有效预防和合理处理,防止或降低切口感染发生。

  • 标签: 剖宫产 切口感染 临床分析
  • 简介:摘要This analysis extrapolates information from prior studies and experiences to bring PM&R perspective and intervention to the multidisciplinary treatment of COVID-19. The purpose of pulmonary rehabilitation in COVID-19 patients is to improve symptoms of dyspnea, relieve anxiety, reduce complications, minimize disability, preserve function and improve quality of life. Pulmonary rehabilitation during the acute management of COVID-19 should be considered when possible and safe and may include nutrition, airway, posture, clearance technique, oxygen supplementation, breathing exercises, stretching, manual therapy, and physical activity. Given the possibility of long-term disability, outpatient post-hospitalization pulmonary rehabilitation may be considered in all patients hospitalized with COVID-19.

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  • 简介:目的提高肺血栓栓塞症诊断水平。方法将本院自2001年6月至2005年9月确诊为肺血栓栓塞症19例患者临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果19例患者临床表现多样,误诊率达58%,最后确诊方法应用螺旋CT肺动脉造影、胸部核磁共振、心脏超声。结论肺血栓栓塞症是一种不少见而容易误诊疾病,加强对肺血栓栓塞症认识,对疑似病例覆时行特异性检查有助于降低肺血栓栓塞症误诊率。

  • 标签: 肺血栓辁塞症 CT MRI 心脏超声 诊断
  • 简介:猩红热是由A组B型溶血性链球菌引起急性呼吸道传染病,是儿童和青少年较常见发疹性疾病。近年来我市猩红热发病率有所上升,且出现了一些重型猩红热。现将本院2008年11月-2012年3月收治19例重型猩红热患者临床资料分析报告如下。

  • 标签: 猩红热 重型 治疗