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6 个结果
  • 简介:"...AswasarguedbymanydisadvantagedstatesduringUNCLOSIII:Theestablishmentofaneconomiczonebenefitingalimitednumberofcoastalstateswouldleadtoinequalitydejureanddefacto....Theinstitutionofaregimeofarighttoparticipatedirectlyorindirectlyintheexplorationandexploration...andadisregardforthatrightwouldonlyfurtherwidentheeconomicdisparities...’-BarbaraKwiatkowska:The200EEZintheNewLawoftheSea,1989.

  • 标签:
  • 简介:Thecontinuoushugetradesurplushascausedunbalancedinternationalpayment.In2006,thetradesurplusreachedUS$177.6billion.Thishashadanegativeimpactonthecountry'sforeigntradedevelopment,andisthereforeadetrimenttothehealthydevelopmentofthenationaleconomy.Thegovernmenthasattachedgreatimportancetothisissue,andisreadytotakeeffectivemeasurestodealwithit.IntheFifthAnnualConferenceofChinaImport&ExportEnterprises,whichwassponsoredbytheChineseAcademyofInternationalTradeandEconomicCooperationoftheMinistryofCommerce,andalsobyChinaEximbank,governmentleadersandfinancialleadersputforwardsuggestionsabouthowtofacethisproblem.Editor

  • 标签: 国际收支 对外贸易 中国 国际贸易
  • 简介:<正>CharlesHardTowneswasborninGreenville,SouthCarolina,onJuly28,1915.thesonofHenryKeithTownes,anattorney,andEllen(Hard)Townes.HeattendedtheGreenvillepublicschoolsandthenFurmanUniversityinGreenville,wherehecompletedtherequirementsfortheBachelorofSciencedegreeinphysicsandtheBachelorofArtsdegreeinModernLanguages,graduatingsummacumlaudein1935,attheageof19.Physicshadfascinatedhimsincehisfirstcourseinthe

  • 标签: INTERVIEW completed CAROLINA summa SCHOOLS attended
  • 简介:在谷物的含纤维的根系统包括首先偶然根(艺术),它在营养素和水举起起重要作用。关于位于AR开发下面的分子的机制的当前的知识仍然是有限的。我们这里报导四米饭(OryzasativaL.)的隔离异种从不同基因背景,所有哪个在AR是有缺点的形成。这些异种展出了侧面的根(LR)和gravitropism的部分损失的减少的数字。也显示的异种提高了敏感到N-1-naphthylphthalamic酸,极的植物生长素运输的一个禁止者(轻拍),显示变化影响了植物生长素运输。用四异种之一的位置的克隆表明它被一个guanine核苷酸交换因素的loss-of-function为ADP-ribosylation因素(OsGNOM1)引起。转基因的植物显示出的promoter::GUS的RT-PCR和分析那OsGNOM1在ARprimordia,脉管的纸巾,LR,根尖端,叶子,花药和词根静脉被表示,与类似于植物生长素的一个分发模式。另外,OsPIN2,OsPIN5b和OsPIN9的表情在异种被改变。一起拿,这些调查结果显示OsGNOM1通过调整影响艺术的形成轻拍。

  • 标签: 不定根 水稻 介导 家族 机场铁路 极性运输
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Schistosomiasis is one of the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) selected for worldwide elimination in the near future. Egypt has made strong progress against its two endemic species of Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium. The former is prevalent in the Nile Delta with the latter dominating in the Nile south of Cairo. Innovative efforts are needed to reach the goal as further reduction of the prevalence has stalled due to ongoing transmission. In this study we aimed to explore the difference between low and high prevalence villages with regard to knowledge attitude and practice about schistosomiasis, utilization of health services, infection and transmission indices.Methods:A hybrid cross-sectional longitudinal study was conducted with three annual follow-ups conducted during 1994-1996. We used a representative systematic random sampling technique investigating 993 individuals from the high prevalence village and 614 from the low prevalence village. Data were analyzed using SPSS, comparing proportions with the Chi square test and means with the Student t test, and ANOVA.Results:Compliance of faecal sampling and chemotherapy was above 70% in both villages over the whole study period. Selective praziquantel treatment resulted in a significant reduction of prevalence and intensity of infection in both villages, dropping from 35.8% prevalence to 20.6%, in the low-prevalence village, and from 69.5 to 45.9% in the high-prevalence one. Intensity of infection at the base line was 30 eggs per gram (EPG) of stool in the low-prevalence village versus 105 EPG in the high-prevalence village. However, after the second round, reinfection rebounded by 22% in the high-prevalence village, while a slight improvement of the infection indices was demonstrated in the low-prevalence one. The level of knowledge was modest in both villages: people knew about self-protection and treatment, but not much about the role of human excreta for schistosomiasis transmission. While all participants maintained that using the water from the canals was inevitable, inhabitants in the high-prevalence village showed significantly lower scores reflecting higher water contact compared to the low-prevalence one. Many of them (67%) did not utilize the health centre at all compared to 26% of the people in the low-prevalence village. Interestingly, private clinics were seen as the primary source of health care by both villages, but more frequently so in the high-prevalence village (used by 87.2% of the inhabitants) compared to the low-prevalence one (59.8%).Conclusions:Even if chemotherapy works well as reflected by the observed downregulation of intensity of infection in both villages, reinfection continued due to difficulties to avoid water contact. Efforts must be made to make people understand the role of human excreta for transmission. There is also a need to make people better trust the medical services available.

  • 标签: Schistosomiasis Transmission Praziquantel Knowledge attitude and practice Utilization of health services Poverty Egypt