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7 个结果
  • 简介:身处一望无际的美丽场景,多希望将自己也融入其中。而下面这个家伙就可以带来令人窒息般的临场感,让人感觉到,自己就在美景之中。把自己拍进美景之中当大家举着自拍杆不停地选取角度,但都无法满足把人和景都拍全拍美的期望时,理光360度全景相机再次给人们带来了希望。理光推出的全新ThetaS,搭载了两颗1200万像素超广角摄像头,通过软件算法可以合成约1400万像素的高画质全景照片。如此广的拍摄角度配合足够用的高画质,让自拍不再是问题。理光ThetaS性能较上一代有较大幅度

  • 标签: 理光 THETA S 全景照片 超广角 拍摄角度
  • 简介:Thetheta(t)-typeoscillatorysingularintegraloperatorshasbeendiscussed.Withthenon-negativelocallyintegrableweightedfunction,theweightednorminequalityoftheta(t)-typeoscillatorysingularintegraloperatorsisproved,andtheweightedfunctionhasreplacedbyactionofHardy-Littlewoodmaximaloperatorsseveraltimes.

  • 标签: theta(t) -type OSCILLATORY singular integral weighted
  • 简介:这篇文章的目的是在theta系列上讨论symplectic转变法律并且为symplectic操作员的踪迹给一些明确的公式。

  • 标签: θ级数 偶对映射 轨迹公式 数学
  • 简介:理光映像发布一款搭载了充实基本性能的标准款360°全景相机“RICOHTHETASC”通过“RICOHTHETAS”同款的高性能CMOS影像传感器和大光圈镜头所呈现的高画质影像,还实现了整体轻量化。拍摄的360。全景影像除了可传输至智能手机及平板电脑以外,还可利用市售的VR设备进行VR体验。

  • 标签: 全景 相机 影像传感器 上市 CMOS 平板电脑
  • 简介:摘要两个顶点间由三条边相连,分别剖分此多重图的三条边a次、b次、c次所得到的图称为Theta图,即,这里,顶点数为。刻画了的Merrifield-Simmons指数和Hosoya指数,给出了其按内部路路长变化的序关系,在a分别为奇、偶数时给出了Theta图的Merrifield-Simmons指数和Hosoya指数的极大(极小)值,以及对应的极图。

  • 标签: Merrifield-Simmons指数 Hosoya指数 Theat图
  • 简介:摘要ObjectiveBecause the reliability of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in treating poststroke cognitive impairment has not been convincingly demonstrated, we systematically examined the effectiveness of this regimen with 2 protocols.MethodsWe randomly allocated 41 patients with poststroke cognitive impairment to receive 5 Hz rTMS (n=11), intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS; n=15) or sham stimulation (n=15). Each group received 10 stimulation sessions over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We performed the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) and the Beck Depression Inventory at baseline and after the intervention.ResultsThe 5 Hz rTMS group showed significantly greater improvement than the sham group in RBANS total score (P=0.006), attention (P=0.001) and delayed memory (P<0.001). The iTBS group showed significantly greater improvement than the sham group in RBANS total score (P=0.005) and delayed memory (P=0.007). The 5 Hz rTMS group exhibited a superior modulating effect in attention compared to the iTBS group (P=0.016). Patients without comorbid hypertension (P=0.008) were predisposed to favourable therapeutic outcomes.ConclusionsOur results demonstrated that both 5 Hz rTMS and iTBS were effective for poststroke cognitive impairment in terms of global cognition, attention and memory function; the domain of attention was susceptible to 5 Hz modulation. Treatment with 5 Hz rTMS may slow cognitive decline, representing both a pivotal process in poststroke cognitive impairment and an aspect of neuroplasticity that contributes to disease-modifying strategies.

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