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1 个结果
  • 作者: Zhao Jia-Cong Deng Kai
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2021-01-17
  • 出处:《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 2020年第23期
  • 机构:Institute of Human Virology, Key Laboratory of Tropical Disease Control of Ministry of Education, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510080, China; Department of Immunology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510080, Chi
  • 简介:AbstractAntiretroviral therapy (ART) can effectively inhibit human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) replication, but is not curative due to the existence of a stable viral latent reservoir harboring replication-competent proviruses. In order to reduce or eliminate the HIV-1 latent reservoir, characteristics of the latently infected cells need to be intensively studied, and a comprehensive understanding of the heterogenous nature of the latent reservoir will be critical to develop novel therapeutic strategies. Here, we discuss the different cell types and mechanisms contributing to the complexity and heterogeneity of HIV-1 latent reservoirs, and summarize the key challenges to the development of cure strategies for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

  • 标签: Clonal expansion Heterogeneity human immunodeficiency virus-1 HIV-1 Integration sites Latent reservoirs