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2 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractBiologic drugs have been increasingly used in the treatment of psoriasis and are especially favorable for severe, recalcitrant, and special-type cases. Therefore, appropriate, effective, and safe use of biologic drugs has drawn attention from dermatologists. For this purpose, Chinese experts majoring in psoriasis analyzed domestic and international research data, summarized current clinical experiences, investigated features of Chinese patients with psoriasis, and finally formulated the present consensus, which provides detailed guidances to clinicians in terms of the principles and methods of the application of biologics, the efficacy and safety profile, patient screening and monitoring, main adverse events and corresponding solutions, and precautions for special patient populations.

  • 标签: psoriasis treatment biologics consensus
  • 简介:AbstractAcne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin disease that affects the pilosebaceous units, causinfollicular occlusion. The etiology and pathogenesis of acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa involves internal and external factors such as genetic susceptibility, inflammation and immunity, microorganisms, obesity, and smoking. acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa is difficult to treat, and the current aim of treatment is to control the frequency and duration of disease flares and improve the quality of life. Treatment protocols for acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa should be selected based on the disease severity grade. Medical treatments include antibiotics, retinoids, biologics, immunosuppressive agents, and antiandrogen agents. Adjuvant treatments include surgery and laser/light therapies. This consensus aims to further standardize the diagnosis and treatment procedures of acne inversa/hidradenitis suppurativa in China to facilitate its diagnosis and treatment.

  • 标签: acne inversa consensus diagnosis hidradenitis suppurativa therapy