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Yang Dapeng, Chen Siqi, Chen Junlian, Cui Tong, Zhu Ruiying

Zhuhai College of Science and Technology


The guiding ideology of postgraduate education of "scientific research and education of people" is put forward, and the requirements for strengthening the training quality of basic research of graduate students are discussed from three aspects, and it is pointed out that graduate tutors are the key to doing a good job in the work of "scientific research and educating people".

KShape1 eywords: universities; scientific research and education; postgraduate education

  1. Establish the idea of scientific research and education

In February 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued a document emphasizing the importance of "scientific research and education". Since graduate students must apply a lot of time and energy to scientific research, "scientific research and education" is the aspect that can best play the leading role of ideological value at the graduate level. "Scientific research and education" is a comprehensive concept, which requires the comprehensive improvement of scientific research ability, scientific research morality and even personal quality, which is the ideal goal of scientific research activities. From a practical point of view, there are many objective obstacles in the process of "scientific research and education": the lack of enthusiasm of tutors and students, the limitations of the external environment, and so on. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to give play to the dual educational role of tutors and graduate students, improve the institutional mechanism of colleges and universities, and establish an integrated training system of "industry, education and research". Scientific research requires rigor, objectivity, and a high degree of complexity, in order to meet these requirements, it requires inpiduals to make arduous efforts and require scientific researchers to have high scientific research ethics. That is to say, in the process of pursuing scientific truth, people's ideological and moral quality can be effectively improved, and true scientific researchers must have the excellent qualities of being down-to-earth, sincere, meticulous, persistent, and realistic.

Scientific research activities need to have firm ideals and beliefs as ideological support. "Scientific research and education" is not only aimed at scientific research activities themselves, but also has the ideal and belief of science and technology to serve the country as a spiritual driving force. "The ideal and belief of science serving the country is not only related to carrying out scientific research and developing science and technology... And it is related to whether they have the dedication to consciously and voluntarily applying the science and technology they have mastered to achieve the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To practice "scientific research and education", we must guide students to link the national social development with personal growth, and truly establish a sense of responsibility and historical mission of the times to contribute to the country, the people, and the happiness of the people.

1.1 "Scientific research and education" is an inherent requirement for improving the overall quality of graduate students.

In China's education system, postgraduate education is a high-level education, and the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees point out that for those who award master's degrees, they are required to "have the ability to engage in scientific research work or independently undertake specialized technical work"; for those who award doctoral degrees, they are required to "have independently engaged in scientific research work" and "make creative achievements in science or specialized technology". Graduate students should not only study the course but also participate in scientific research, the master's student stage, is to pay equal attention to learning and scientific research; the doctoral stage, requiring erudition at the same time, more emphasis on innovation. In the process of training graduate students, scientific research work occupies an important proportion, and the requirements for their application for dissertations are more reflective of scientific research ability, so in order to comprehensively improve the quality of graduate students, it is necessary to strengthen their scientific research work and improve their basic research capabilities.

1.2 "Scientific research and education" is an important part of the education of graduate tutors.

College teachers need to further improve their scientific literacy, always maintain enthusiasm for scientific research, and be open-minded about some institutional and objective obstacles in the process of scientific research, so as to set a good example for students. In the process of scientific research, the tutor's theoretical methods, academic interests and even personal morality will have a subtle impact on its students, so on the basis of a good teacher-student relationship, the tutor guides the students not only in the sense of scientific methodology, but also in scientific ethics and literacy, life pursuits and goals, etc. are all tutors should give development and encouragement. At present, the three education we emphasize refer to "teaching and educating people, managing education, and serving education". However, with the rapid development of science and technology and the comprehensive development of our scientific research work, "scientific research and education" has initially become one of the centers of postgraduate education in colleges and universities. Objectively, scientific research work should become an important organizational part of building a full-staff, whole-process, all-round education pattern, especially for graduate education, it is an important channel. An important feature of postgraduate education is the tutor system, which makes the graduate students have more contact with the tutor, the graduate student himself is the tutor's teaching or scientific research assistant, the relationship is close; at the same time, the tutor is the elder, the academic attainment is deeper, which determines that the tutor has a special responsibility for the moral, intellectual and physical all-round development of the graduate student.

2 Cultivate the basic scientific research quality of graduate students

As a transitional stage between undergraduate education and doctoral education, master's degree students are the reserve and accumulation stages of doctoral education. At the master's level, students should cultivate the ability to engage in scientific research, and accumulate and grow their own scientific research capabilities in the process of scientific research practice. The scientific research ability of master's students has something in common with the scientific research ability of other types of researchers, and there are also differences.

Master's degree education is between undergraduate education and doctoral education, although undergraduate education also advocates cultivating students' scientific research ability, but the undergraduate stage is still based on learning professional knowledge, and there is no clear and specific requirements for the cultivation of scientific research ability. Therefore, the real postgraduate stage is the beginning of a truly systematic development of students' scientific research ability. The cultivation of scientific research ability at this stage is the core of postgraduate education, but after all, master's students are only in the first stage of postgraduate education, and their own scientific research ability is larger than that of doctoral students. Therefore, at this stage, it is more difficult for master's students to make scientific research with great innovative significance, and master's students mainly carry out the cultivation and training of basic scientific research ability.

As one of the abilities of human beings, scientific research ability receives the innate influence of students on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is more important that it can grow and develop according to the acquired environment and education. The scientific research ability and scientific research quality of graduate students are inseparable from the scientific research education and training they receive, which directly affects whether students can complete scientific research requirements during their later doctoral studies and the height and achievement of their future academic careers. Therefore, the cultivation and education of students' scientific research ability in various universities at the master's level not only plays a vital role in the inpidual scientific research ability of students, but also plays a decisive role in the development potential of China's scientific research ability.

2.1Guide graduate students to establish a truth-seeking and pragmatic style

Due to various reasons, many graduate students now go to graduate school not to expand their knowledge, but to buffer in school first, and not to delve into their studies; Some graduate students have an impetuous mentality during their studies, and their scientific research energy is not invested enough. Coupled with the lack of perfect corresponding incentive mechanisms and elimination mechanisms, this makes graduate education lack a strong academic atmosphere, and the quality of graduate education is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is imperative to create an excellent academic research atmosphere and cultivate graduate students to form a keen sense of scientific research.

First of all, the writing and evaluation of literature reviews should be carried out at the learning stage of the postgraduate course to cultivate the basic understanding of scientific issues of graduate students. After establishing the research topic, the writing and evaluation of the opening report should begin to cultivate the scientific thinking ability of graduate students on the research problems. Secondly, adhere to the academic report meeting system in the research stage, and cultivate the logical analysis ability of graduate students on the research problems. Advocating and organizing graduate students to give academic reports on a regular basis is undoubtedly an effective way to understand the research results of predecessors, accept new knowledge, and grasp the latest developments in the frontiers of international research. Third, various academic activities are held, such as various academic lectures, seminars, competitions, and thesis exchanges held by graduate students that enliven the academic atmosphere. Encourage graduate students to listen to academic reports of related disciplines, and at the same time, make an academic report around their own research direction, which greatly promotes the scientific research awareness and academic enthusiasm of graduate students. Fourth, we regularly hold academic lectures on the knowledge of the frontier fields of this discipline for the majority of graduate students, and regularly collect excellent academic papers from the graduate students of the university into a book. Fifth, promote academic exchanges with graduate students in other disciplines. As well as the mutual exchange, integration and penetration of multiple disciplines in the school. Graduate students with high academic standards are encouraged to participate in high-level academic conferences, academic lectures and other activities at home and abroad. This can greatly shorten the time for graduate students to ingest information and broaden the knowledge of graduate students. In academic research, it is necessary to focus on innovation

Awareness and innovative spirit. In the process of cultivating knowledge ability, we will continue to strengthen the sense of innovation and the spirit of innovation, and establish an educational concept that unifies the humanistic spirit, the scientific spirit and the innovative ability. "Graduate students, graduate students, research students." All work should be carried out with this as the center, and graduate students should be cultivated into talents needed by countries with real research ability and innovation ability.

2.2 Pay attention to the guidance of tutors and comprehensively cultivate students

Although the study life of graduate students is mainly based on their own learning, supplemented by teacher guidance, graduate tutors play a pivotal role in the training process of graduate students. The words and deeds of the supervisor have a profound impact on the graduate students, especially in the growth of the graduate students, the acquisition of knowledge, and the learning of scientific research, and the guidance of the tutor directly plays a decisive role in the growth of the graduate students. Because many graduate students have not been able to develop their research ability before admission, they do not know how to start. The guidance of the supervisor can make the graduate students take many detours when learning to do scientific research, and they can find self-confidence from scientific research more quickly.

Ideologically, it is necessary to cultivate the diligent, truth-seeking and pragmatic style of graduate students, have the courage to explore, not be afraid of hardships, and help graduate students establish a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values; Academically, it is necessary to establish an interactive mechanism between tutors and graduate students, guide graduate students to master the correct scientific research methods, and strict requirements. First of all, the supervisor should guide the graduate student to master the selection method of the research topic. Topics can usually be selected through the following four methods: First, prospective topics proposed by graduate students by reading the literature; The second is the longitudinal issue; The third is the topic of enterprise cooperation directly oriented to engineering practice; The fourth is the subject of cooperation with domestic and foreign research institutions. Secondly, the writing and evaluation of the opening report after the establishment of the research topic cultivates the scientific thinking ability of graduate students on the research problems. Graduate students are required to have clear scientific research ideas when carrying out research work, discuss with graduate students topics that are identified or have important academic significance or have good application prospects, and require graduate students to have clean research ideas. Allowing graduate students to always have a clear scientific approach throughout the research process is crucial to ensuring that graduate students achieve the expected research results at a specified time and under given research conditions.

The relationship between the supervisor and the graduate student is not only the relationship between the mentor and the supervised, the professor and the professor, the inpidual (student) and the collective (teacher), the collective (student) and the inpidual (teacher), but also the relationship between the elders and the juniors. In the process of cultivating research talents, tutors should also pay special attention to the psychological quality education of graduate students. Because psychological quality education is the foundation for improving the quality level of graduate students, it is conducive to improving the academic quality of graduate students, improving ideological and political work and management work, and has a bearing on the success or failure of life and career.

2.3 Comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of graduate students

The rapid development of science and technology in the world and the arrival of the information society have promoted the intersection, infiltration and emergence of new disciplines between disciplines.

So that science and technology present both highly differentiated and highly comprehensive, and highly integrated, and highly integrated, mainly integrated. Multidisciplinary collective research and relying on "large corps combat" have increasingly become the leading form of scientific research development. Therefore, solidarity and mutual assistance and full cooperation are the road to success under the conditions of modern science and technology. To educate graduate students, they must learn to deal with the relationship between the inpidual and the collective, and have the desire and ability to cooperate with others, which is not only an important ability, but also the embodiment of the ideological morality and collectivist spirit that should be. In the practice of scientific research, we must attach great importance to carrying forward the spirit of collectivism, establishing a team mentality, establishing a good atmosphere of unity, harmony, entrepreneurship and progress, and correctly handling the relationship between competition and alliance, and between inpiduals and collectives.

At present, it is particularly important to strengthen the cultivation of this spirit of cooperation, one is to target the "workshops" that still have "masters and apprentices" "Training mode", vigorously promote the tutor group, especially for the training of doctoral students, we should emphasize the role of the research group and the tutor group; the second is to increase the joint training of graduate students, promote the process of integration of industry, education and research, and more so that graduate students can be trained in major scientific research projects "big military and financial operations". It is necessary to have specific measures and institutional guarantees, overcome the tendency to engage in small-scale and scattered scientific research work and fight for each other, and actively advocate that graduate supervisors (groups) preside over major scientific research projects, so that graduate students can get comprehensive practical training from unity and cooperation to ability improvement.

3 Graduate tutors are the key to doing a good job in scientific research and educating people

A high level of postgraduate tutoring is the basic prerequisite for achieving scientific research work. "Learning from a high school is a teacher, and being a model is a model", which requires tutors not only to have a high academic level, but also to become a model for students to learn moral accomplishment, academic attitude, and personality charm. Therefore, the responsibility of the tutor is not only to cultivate students' academic ability, but also to cultivate students' academic ethics, spirit of cooperation, communication and coordination and other comprehensive abilities. The tutor should not only become an academic leader academically, but also pass on the rigorous scientific attitude and enthusiasm for scientific research work to the students.

3.1 Conduct a quantitative assessment of the qualifications of the tutor

The first to clarify the work responsibilities of the instructor and specify the work content of the tutor. Secondly, quantitative assessment indicators, according to the tutor's personal situation and the actual situation of the school, the academic level, the funding of the research project, the level, the research results, etc. to develop assessment standards. Third, the tutor's morality and work attitude are incorporated into the assessment system. Finally, the tutor is selected every year, and if the standard is not met, the recruitment index of graduate students will be reduced or even the recruitment of graduate students will be stopped, and the tutor qualification can be re-applied for after the conditions are met. To a certain extent, this ensures a high-level tutor team with both academic level and personality quality, thus providing preconditions for cultivating high-quality graduate students.

3.2 Give play to the advantages of "three completes" in educating people

Mentors are responsible for cultivating graduate students' ability to engage in scientific research independently and creatively, and are also guides in guiding students to establish and develop good moral and personal qualities. The guidance and education of the tutor to the graduate students should be reflected in all aspects of life, study, etc., and the entire student's academic career in the school, and this is the whole school should be involved, not the instructor alone. In addition, further enhance the tutor's awareness and sense of responsibility for educating people, so that the tutor consciously combines the guiding ideology and the guidance of the profession in the teaching and scientific research activities, adhere to the "scientific research work, education work" to grasp at the same time, "two achievements" together, and give full play to the comprehensive education function of scientific research in graduate education.


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