"Bridge" - design scheme for reconstruction and upgrading of urban villages in Jining

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"Bridge" - design scheme for reconstruction and upgrading of urban villages in Jining


齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院),山东省济南市, 250353

AbstractUrban village reconstruction project refers to the old urban area and "village in city" because of historical and management system and other reasons, planning and management disorder, disordered layout structure, lack of infrastructure, environmental health, fire safety, public security and family planning and other problems are prominent, such as muddy roads, sewage crossflow, garbage piling, water supply, power and communication disorder, which greatly reduces the quality of life of residents and affects the city.The overall image of the city.The urban village reconstruction project is the transformation of the old urban area and the "village in the city".It is the only way to improve the living environment, enhance the urban taste and promote the urbanization process. It is an important guarantee for the construction of a civilized, ecological, harmonious and livable city.It is a strong measure for people-oriented, scientific development and harmonious society.It is also a popular project, a moral project and a project for thousands of years.

key word: Urban villages ;transform ;ecological ;city appearance

In recent years, the problems of urban villages in urban construction are becoming more and more serious. There are many factors such as potential safety hazards and city appearance, which make people's travel more troublesome. The order of villages in cities is also more difficult to manage. It is always a sharp problem. There are contradictions between the original residents and the government, between pedestrians and village buildings, between architectural style and city.The contradiction between the appearance of the city needs to be solved, but in recent years, the state has to strengthen the renovation of urban villages. Therefore, the state has policy support on the project of urban village reconstruction. Compared with the original, the transformation scheme is more practical and feasible, which not only effectively reduces the numerous security risks of urban villages, but also facilitates the government management order, and improves the city appearance.

In the design content, it mainly focuses on the appearance of the external building, the layout of the external landscape, the structure of the internal space, the modeling of the internal space, the decoration of the internal interface, the color treatment of the space, and the expression form of the light.After the transformation, the village in the city must achieve the following two points: 1. Environmental changes: planning and construction with high standards, compatibility of residential and commercial office, complete municipal facilities, greening and beautification to meet the relevant requirements.2. Changes in housing conditions: the old houses are replaced by commercial buildings with sufficient lighting, good ventilation, reasonable structure, and complete commercial supporting facilities such as water, electricity and so on.The external building of the commercial building is a building that is more suitable for the surrounding scenery, and its interior is a commercial complex with the nature of a monopoly shop. The overall appearance of the building and its internal soft and hard decoration are in line with its company;s characteristics. The whole building is four stories. This exclusive shop mainly deals with some relatively high-tech information products, and adopts some relatively simple ones in the appearance of its building.In addition, the sharp and angular shape can express a kind of information characteristics through its modeling. In its interior, it can layer many different areas, weaken the concept of its commercial nature, enhance the advantages of its products, make it become a museum like exclusive store, pide different types of areas (such as entertainment area, experience area, etc.), and enhance the interaction between the region and customers.Regional pision to achieve "dynamic and static clear", so that customers come in to experience not the commercialized products, but the products with unique charm of the company, so that customers can feel the corporate culture.

The rational use of space, turning waste into treasure and so on are all skills that must be mastered in environmental design. This design analyzes many cases of urban village reconstruction in China, plus the actual situation of the area to be transformed, and makes a commercial space that conforms to the surrounding environment and beautifies the city appearance.In terms of the external environment of the building, it makes the whole building beautiful and safe, convenient for pedestrians and improves the image of the city. In terms of the internal environment of the building, reasonable regional pision and space collocation make the internal environment of the whole building in order. It is also a significance of design to bring convenience to customers and pedestrians through design.
