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朱洁莹 朱顺开



  1. 四字词语


  1. 直译


Eg1: 登高望远 aim high and look far

Eg2: 成效卓著 achieve remarkable outcomes

Eg3: 坚持百花齐放、百家争鸣。

We should follow the principle of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend.

Eg4: 敲锣打鼓 drum beating and gong clanging

Eg5: 开拓进取 pioneer and push ahead

Eg6: 居安思危 be alert to dangers even in times of calm

Eg7: 和而不同,兼收并蓄 harmony within persity, Inclusiveness, and mutual learning

Eg8: “三严三实”直译为 “ Three Stricts and Three Earnests”

Eg9: 反腐惩恶fought corruption and punished wrongdoing,

Eg10: 依法治国 law-based governance

Eg11: 亲诚惠容 the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness

Eg12: 德才兼备 both integrity and ability

Eg13: 以德为先 with priority given to integrity

Eg14: 不谋私利 not seek personal gain

Eg15: 敢于担当 be willing to assume responsibility

Eg16: 历经磨难 through hardships and adversity

Eg17: 勤劳勇敢 industrious and brave

Eg16: 志存高远 aim high

Eg18: 任重道远 have a long way to go

Eg19: 脚踏实地 have your feet firmly on the ground

Eg20: 不懈奋斗 a tireless struggle

Eg21: 不懈努力 tireless efforts

Eg22: 前所未有 without precedent

Eg23: 久经磨难 endure so much for so long

Eg24: 历经磨难 through hardships and adversity

Eg25: 精准脱贫 targeted poverty alleviation

Eg26: 孝老爱亲 respect the elderly, love families

Eg27: 解放思想 free our minds

Eg28: 实事求是 seek truth from facts

Eg29: 与时俱进 move with the times

Eg30: 求真务实 apply a realistic and pragmatic approach

Eg31: 稳中求进 pursue progress while ensuring stability

Eg32: 顽强奋斗 engage in a tenacious struggle

Eg33: 忠诚老实 loyalty, honesty

Eg34: 艰难险阻 difficulties and obstacles

  1. 意译


Eg1: 血肉联系 close ties

Eg2: 尽力而为、量力而行 do everything in our capacity

Eg3: 同舟共济 stick together through thick and thin

Eg4: 不能定于一尊,……

No one political system should be regarded as the only choice…

Eg5: 刮骨疗毒 be braced for the pain

Eg6: 小康社会 the moderately prosperous society

Eg7: 生搬硬套 mechanically copy

Eg8: 德艺双馨 moral integrity and outstanding artistic appeal

Eg9: 立德树人 foster virtue through education

Eg10: 不可逆转 irreversible

Eg11: 同舟共济 stick together through thick and thin

Eg12: 撑腰鼓劲 support

Eg13: 迎难而上 rise to challenges

Eg14: 踏实做事 take a down-to-earth approach in their work

Eg15: 持之以恒 work ceaselessly

Eg16: 雷厉风行 act resolutely and swiftly

Eg17: 锐意进取 enterprising

Eg18: 艰苦卓绝 arduous struggles

Eg19: 名列前茅 leader

Eg20:全心全意 wholeheartedly

Eg21: 頑瘴痼疾 deep-rooted problems

Eg22: 千辛万苦 through countless hardships

Eg23: 作风优良 excellent conduct

Eg24: 朝气蓬勃 vibrant

Eg25: 清正廉洁 integrity

Eg26: 公道正派 impartiality

Eg27: 实事求是 a realistic approach

Eg28: 任人唯贤 those who are dedicated, impartial, and upright should be appointed

Eg29:以上率下 lead by example

Eg30: 惩前毖后 learn from mistakes to prevent recurrence

Eg31: 缉拿归案 be brought back

Eg32: 绳之以法 be brought to justice

Eg33: 核心意识 leadership core


  1. 直译加意译

在翻译有些 “四字格”时,若仅仅逐字翻译,会使读者不知所云。此时需要采用直译加意译的方法,既保持原文语言特性,又添加语境信息。

Eg1: 承 前 启 后、 继 往 开 来 build on past success to further advance our cause

Eg2: ……,我们党都初心不改、矢志不移。

…, our Party has never forgotten its founding mission,nor wavered in its pursuit.

Eg3: 海晏河清,朗朗乾坤

…like seas fallen calm and rivers running clear, be clean and free from corruption.

Eg1: 两个“四字格”意义相近,翻译时保留了原文“前”、“后”两字,又译出了“发展我们的事业”的意思,这样可以将词汇中所隐含的具体内容解释清楚;

Eg2: “初心”被译为“founding mission”,确切地表达出了初心的所指内容;

Eg3: 此译文既保留了汉语的语言特色,又补充说明了想要传递的信息,即“海清何晏”描述的是从严治党的结果——党内没有腐败。

  1. 省译

省译法是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯、语言习惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。《报告》中成语类“四字格”用到省译的有三种情况: (1) 前两个字与后两个字为同义词; (2) 第一个字与第三个字相同或者意思相近; (3) 原文两个“四字格”表达意思一致、并列出现。

Eg1: 休养生息 regeneration

Eg2: 挠 remain indomitable

Eg3: 躁 guard against arrogance and impetuosity

Eg4: mutually beneficial strategy

Eg5: 渐 identify problems early and correct them while they are nascent

Eg6: solves the problems and difficulties

Eg7: 加 intertwine

Eg8:tackle tough issues head-on

Eg9:时不我待、只争朝夕 lose no time

Eg10: 一视同仁,平等对待 be treated equally

Eg11: 坚忍不拔、锲而不舍 work with resolve and tenacity


例2,例3,例4,例5,例6,例7,例8 属于第二种情况,两个“不”字和“戒”字在翻译时只需译出同,一种意思“互”与“共”“防”与“杜”,“排”与“解”,“交”与“叠”“攻”与“克”为同义词,只需翻译一次即可。

例 9,例10,例11 属于第三种情况,两“四字格”属于并列关系、意思相同或相近,只需翻译一次即可。

  1. 动词的处理




Eg1: 党和国家事业全面开创新局面。

On all fronts new advances have been made for the cause of the Party and the country。

Eg2: 决胜全面建成小康社会夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利。

Secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and strive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.


Eg3: 为贯彻十八大精神,党中央召开七次全会,……

To put the guiding principles from our 18th National Congress into action, the Party Central Committee has held seven plenary sessions……

Eg4: 坚定不移贯彻新发展理念,坚决端正发展观念、转变发展方式……

We have remained committed to the new development philosophy, adopted the right approach to development, and endeavored to transform the growth model……

Eg5: 深入贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,一大批惠民举措落地实施,人民获得感显著增强。

Our vision of making development people-centered has been acted on, a whole raft of initiatives to benefit the people has seen implementation, and the people's sense of fulfillment has grown stronger.

Eg6: 全党要深刻领会新时代中国特色社会主义思想的精神实质和丰富内涵,在各项工作中全面准确贯彻落实。

Everyone in the Party should develop a good grasp of the essence and rich implications of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and fully and faithfully apply it in all our work.

Eg7: 我们党深刻认识到,实现中华民族伟大复兴,必须合乎时代潮流、顺应人民意愿……

Our Party was deeply aware that, to achieve national rejuvenation, it was imperative to follow the tide of the times, respond to the wishes of the people……

Eg8: 实现伟大梦想,必须进行伟大斗争。

Realizing our great dream demands a great struggle.

Eg9: 全党必须准备付出更为艰巨、更为艰苦的努力。

Every one of us in the Party must be prepared to work even harder toward this goal.

Eg10: 更加自觉地维护人民利益,坚决反对一切损害人民利益、脱离群众的行为;

We must do more to protect our people's interests, and firmly oppose all moves that damage their interests or put distance between the Party and the people.

Eg11: 更加自觉地维护我国主权、安全、发展利益,坚决反对一切分裂祖国、破坏民族团结和社会和谐稳定的行为;

We must do more to safeguard China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, and staunchly oppose all attempts to split China or undermine its ethnic unity, social harmony and stability.

Eg12: 必须坚持中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,坚持和完善人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度、基层群众自治制度……

We must keep to the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics; uphold and improve the system of people’s congresses, the system of Party-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system of community-level self-governance;

Eg13: 推进伟大工程,要结合伟大斗争、伟大事业、伟大梦想的实践来进行,确保党在世界形势深刻变化的历史进程中始终走在时代前列……

All work to advance this project must go hand in hand with that geared toward the struggle, the cause, and the dream. We must see that as history progresses and the world undergoes profound changes, the Party remains always ahead of the times;

Eg14: 我们党要始终成为时代先锋、民族脊梁,始终成为马克思主义执政党,自身必须始终过硬。全党要更加自觉地坚定党性原则,勇于直面问题,敢于刮骨疗毒,消除一切损害党的先进性和纯洁性的因素,清除一切侵蚀党的健康肌体的病毒,不断增强党的政治领导力、思想引领力、群众组织力、社会号召力,确保我们党永葆旺盛生命力和强大战斗力。

We must keep on strengthening the Party's ability to lead politically, to guide through theory, to organize the people, and to inspire society, thus ensuring that the Party's great vitality and strong ability are forever maintained.