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3 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To develop animal models of penetrating thoracic injuries and to observe the effects of the animal model-based training on improving the trainees’ performance for emergent and urgent thoracic surgeries.Methods:With a homemade machine, animal models of lung injuries and penetrating heart injuries were produced in porcine and used for training of chest tube drainage, urgent sternotomy, and emergent thoracotomy. Coefficient of variation of abbreviated injury scale and blood loss was calculated to judge the reproducibility of animal models. Five operation teams from basic-level hospitals (group A) and five operation teams from level III hospitals (group B) were included to be trained and tested. Testing standards for the operations were established after thorough literature review, and expert questionnaires were employed to evaluate the scientificity and feasibility of the testing standards. Tests were carried out after the training. Pre- and post-training performances were compared. Post-training survey using 7-point Likert scale was taken to evaluate the feelings of the trainees to these training approaches.Results:Animal models of the three kinds of penetrating chest injuries were successfully established and the coefficient of variation of abbreviated injury scale and blood loss were all less than 25%. After literature review, testing standards were established, and expert questionnaire results showed that the scientific score was 7.30 ± 1.49, and the feasibility score was 7.50 ± 0.89. Post-training performance was significantly higher in both group A and group B than pre-training performance. Post-training survey showed that all the trainees felt confident in applying the operations and were generally agreed that the training procedure were very helpful in improving operation skills for thoracic penetrating injury.Conclusions:Animal model-based simulation training established in the current study could improve the trainees’ performance for emergent and urgent thoracic surgeries, especially of the surgical teams from basic-level hospitals.

  • 标签: Penetrating thoracic injuries Emergent operations Urgent operations Simulation training Animal model
  • 简介:摘要:通过对我国镁法脱硫中副产品回收问题分析,并回顾我国镁脱硫技术的发展历程,提出在超低排放阶段新形势下,采用三循环超低工艺和催化氧化提浓硫酸镁技术、烟气浓缩和降温结晶等技术,实现超低排放的同时,可有效回收副产品,实现资源化利用,并展望镁法脱硫技术的发展前景。

  • 标签: 镁法脱硫 三循环 催化氧化 烟气浓缩提浓 超低排放
  • 简介:【摘要】阅读教学一直是英语教学的重头戏。阅读教学中培养学生思维能力的发展更是当下阅读教学任务的重中之重,亦是英语学科素养的必然要求。整本书阅读因其特有的优势,对于学生思维能力的培养和发展具有重大的意义。本文以The Three Wishes为例,作者从课前导读、课中探讨、课后整理和反思几个层面进行了整本书阅读教学模式探讨,课例片段主要展现了作者如何在阅读教学中关注学生思维能力的培养和训练。通过这样的课例探讨,期望能为通过阅读来培养学生思维能力的教学途径提供一个可参考的范本。

  • 标签: 整本书阅读 思维培养 阅读教学