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7 个结果
  • 简介:ZHEJIANGProvinceinsoutheastChinaborderstheEastChinaSeatoitseast,FujianProvincetoitssouth,AnhuiandJiangxiProvincetoitswest,andJiangsuProvinceandShanghaitoitsnorth.Its101,800-sq-kmlandareaishometo44.22millionpeople.Zhejianghasacoastlinemeasuring6,486kilometers,thelongestinChina.Acrossitsvastseaareaarescatteredover3,000islandsofatotalareaof1,670squarekilometers.

  • 标签:
  • 简介:赛车不仅仅是一项成人运动,国外的青少年们也乐于参加某些小型的赛车比赛,体验驾车带给他们的乐趣。在国外,都哪些适合青少年们参加的赛车比赛呢?让我们来一同了解一下吧!

  • 标签: 英语教学 中学 教学方法 考试
  • 简介:WeareracingwithHIV-1,theetiologicagentforAIDSinhumanbeings[1,2],withtwopossibleendconsequences:ifwewin,HIV-1willbeunderourcontrolbyimmunologicortherapeuticmeasures;ifHIV-1wins,theSIVAfricanmonkeys'storywouldrepeatinhumans,i.e.,onlythefewindividualsthatarenotkilledbythevirus

  • 标签: HIV-1 AIDS 治疗作用 传染病
  • 简介:1954年,梅赛德斯-奔驰浩浩荡荡地返回因战火而中断的赛车运动,对于所有和赛事相关的一切,包括车手、车队人员、后勤补给等,无不倾情投入,可谓势在必得。而为了在F1世界巡回锦标赛中不致于疲于奔命,梅赛德斯-奔驰专门为运输赛车手工打造了一款快速、机动性强的专用拖车——蓝色神奇号(BlueWonder)!

  • 标签: RACING 蓝色 梅赛德斯-奔驰 传奇 赛车运动 机动性
  • 简介:AbstractWe reported two cases of jockeys who sustained fracture/dislocation of the mid-thoracic spine due to traumatic falls during horse racing. We examined the injury mechanism based upon the patients’ diagnostic images and video footage of races, in which the accidents occurred. Admission imaging of patient 1 (a 42 years old male) revealed T5 burst fracture with bony retropulsion of 7 mm causing complete paralysis below T5/6. There existed 22° focal kyphosis at T5/6, anterolisthesis of T5 relative to T6, T5/6 disc herniation, cord edema and epidural hemorrhage from T4 through T6, and cord injury from C3 through C6. Admission imaging of patient 2 (a 23 years old male) revealed T4/5 fracture/dislocation causing incomplete paralysis below spinal level. There existed compression fractures at T5, T6, and T7; 4 mm anterior subluxation of T4 on T5; diffuse cord swelling from T3 through T5; comminuted fracture of the C1 right lateral mass; right frontal traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage; and extensive diffuse axonal injury. The injuries were caused by high energy flexion-compression of the mid-thoracic spine with a flexed posture upon impact. Our results suggest that substantially greater cord compression occurred transiently during trauma as compared to that documented from admission imaging. Video footage of the accidents indicated that the spine buckled and failed due to abrupt pocketing and deceleration of the head, neck and shoulders upon impact with the ground combined with continued forward and downward momentum of the torso and lower extremities. While a similar mechanism is well known to cause fracture/dislocation of the cervical spine, it is less common and less understood for mid-thoracic spine injuries. Our study provides insight into the etiology of fracture/dislocation patterns of the mid-thoracic spine due to falls during horse racing.

  • 标签: Fracture/dislocation Thoracic spine Injury mechanism Biomechanics Horse racing