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37 个结果
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  • 简介:每年11月5日,美国人都要庆祝“盖伊·福克斯之夜”,盖伊·福克斯是一个怎样的人物?为什么人们在11月5日焚烧人像并燃放火焰?如果你想了解这个节日的来历和庆祝方式,请看——

  • 标签: 高二 英语 文化背景知识 阅读欣赏 注释
  • 简介:TheeventhappenedintheearlymorninghoursinoneofthefirstdayswhenCalvinCoolidgecameintopower,lateinAugust1923.Heandhisfamilywerelivinginthesamethird-floorsuite(套房)attheWiUardHotelinWashingtonthattheyhadoccupied(住)duringhisvicepresidency(副总统).TheformerPresident'swifewasstilllivingintheWhiteHouse.

  • 标签: 高中 英语 学习辅导 阅读理解 参考答案
  • 简介:本栏目由英国大使馆文化处提供稿件,旨在让读者从中学习地道英文,体悟英文百味。本期介绍了格拉斯顿伯里音乐节。这一全球备受瞩目的音乐盛典每年6月在英国小镇格拉斯顿伯里举行;音乐节上,不仅有火爆的乐队,还有时尚的乐迷,真正是夏日狂欢的好去处!

  • 标签: 英语 译文 翻译方法 教材
  • 简介:his organist and asked if he could compose some music for the words before that evening's service. Gruuber set about the task quickly and in a couple of hours had finished - just in time to rehearse with the choir before the service. Mohr sang tenor,Austria was worried - in 24 hours he was supposed to lead a Christmas Eve service,Gruuber sang bass and the service went off beautifully.The song gradually became known throughout Europe and in 1834 the Strasser family performed it for the King of Prussia

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  • 简介:his organist and asked if he could compose some music for the words before that evening's service. Gruuber set about the task quickly and in a couple of hours had finished - just in time to rehearse with the choir before the service. Mohr sang tenor,Austria was worried - in 24 hours he was supposed to lead a Christmas Eve service,Gruuber sang bass and the service went off beautifully.The song gradually became known throughout Europe and in 1834 the Strasser family performed it for the King of Prussia

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  • 简介:《博物馆奇妙夜2》是一部拍摄于博物馆里的电影。本集剧情与上集类似,都是死物又复活的故事。不过这一次的规模更大些,发生在SmithsonianInstitution(史密森尼博物院)里,它是世界上最大的博物馆,保管着一亿多件艺术珍品和珍贵的标本。片中神奇复活的林肯、拿破仑等历史名人大打让手,在逗笑观众之余还能让孩子们了解相关的历史知识。当然,最大的卖点是可以跟随主人公——那位倒霉的夜间保安拉里·戴瑞一起经历各种意想不到的历险。

  • 标签: 中学 英语 阅读教学 阅读材料