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77 个结果
  • 简介:Inthispaper,theproblemofconsensusforcontinuoustimesingularsystemsofmulti-agentnetworksisconsidered.Thedefinitionofr-consensusisintroducedforsingularsystemsofmulti-agentnetworks.Firstly,linearsystemswithalgebraicconstraintsareconsidered,andthecorrespondingresultsaboutconsensusandaverage-consensusarederived.Thenr-consensusandconsensusproblemsofsingularsystemsareinvestigated.Sufficientconditionsofr-consensusandconsensusareobtained,respectively.Finally,anillustrativeexampleisgiventoshowtheeffectivenessoftheproposedmethod.

  • 标签: 广义系统 多智能体 奇异系统 连续时间 代数约束 线性系统
  • 简介:Clinicalpracticeguidelines:ThechallengeofgradingClinicalpracticeguidelineshaveimprovedinqualityoverthepasttenyearsbyadheringtoafewbasicprinciples,suchasconductingthoroughsystematicreviewsofrelevantevidence,andgradingtherecommendationsandthequalityoftheunderlyingevidence.Thelargenumberofsystemsofmeasuringthequalityofevidenceandrecommendationsthathaveemergedare,however,confusing.Aninternationalgroupofguidelinedevelopers,systematicreviewers,andclinicalepidemiologists

  • 标签: 分级标准 临床推荐意见 随机控制试验 临床实践指南 证据 质量分级
  • 简介:Ingroupdecisionmaking,acertaindegreeofconsensusisnecessarytoderiveameaningfulandvalidoutcome.ThispaperproposesaconsensusreachingmodelforagroupbyusingtheAnalyticHierarchyProcess(AHP).Itsupportspeopletoimprovetheirgroupconsensuslevelthroughanupdatingoftheirjudgments.Inthismodel,amoderatorsuggeststhemostdiscordantdecisionmakertoupdatehisjudgmentineachstep.Theproposedconsensusreachingmodelallowsdecisionmakerstoacceptorrejectthesuggestionfromthemoderator.Thismodelensuresthatthejudgmentupdatingiseffectiveandthefinalsolutionwillbeofacceptableconsistency.Finally,anumericalexampleisgiventoillustratethevalidityoftheproposedconsensusreachingmodel.

  • 标签: 层次分析模型 群体一致性 层次分析法 MANET 群体决策 主持人
  • 简介:AbstractAcne scars are caused by inflammatory reactions, infections, and improper handling of acne lesions. Such scars have a high incidence and are difficult to treat. There are many methods currently used to treat acne scars, including medications, photoelectric technology, surgery, filling, chemical peeling, traditional Chinese medicine, biotherapy, and microneedle therapy, and many new methods are constantly emerging. However, there are still many issues, such as the lack of high-quality clinical studies, non-uniform treatment methods, and unsatisfactory therapeutic effects. The selection of appropriate methods for the comprehensive treatment of different types of acne scars at different stages in clinical practice remains challenging and is a research topic of great interest. From the perspective of evidence-based medicine, this consensus aims to provide a reference for the treatment of acne scars in clinical practice.

  • 标签: acne vulgaris cicatrix practice guideline therapy
  • 简介:说出的比赛是为一种语言或一个通讯系统的自我组织的出现的nonequilibrium动力学的一个模型。我们学习扬声器与与exp成正比的可能性从它的库存在选择一个词的最小的说出游戏的一个修改版本(R*一),在R是名字的成功比率的地方并且一是一个悦耳的参数。由调查效果一上为方形的格子和没有规模的网络的进化过程,我们发现集中时间与增加减少一上二联网,它显示成功的词的优先的选择能加速到达一致。更有趣地,为一>0,我们发现在集中之间的关系预定并且一展览一种幂定律形式。[从作者抽象]

  • 标签: 游戏 无标度网络 收敛时间 系统自组织 动力学模型 扬声器选择
  • 简介:AbstractThe pathogenesis of melasma is believed to be related to heredity, sun exposure, sex hormones, and other factors. The mechanisms underlying the development of melasma include increased melanin synthesis, vascular proliferation within the skin lesions, inflammation, and skin barrier dysfunction. The diagnosis of melasma is mainly based on clinical manifestations and noninvasive techniques. Coupling with recent research progress in melasma, the present consensus comprehensively elaborates the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, staging, classification, diagnosis, and treatment of melasma to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic skills of Chinese dermatologists.

  • 标签: diagnosis expert consensus melasma therapy
  • 简介:AbstractVascular access is the lifeline of hemodialysis patients. There are great differences in the establishment and use of vascular access in different countries and regions around the world. We believe that on the basis of good evaluation and planning, it is recommended that hemodialysis patients choose native arteriovenous fistula first. In view of the new progress of vascular access views domestic and international at home and abroad in recent years, we organized experts to recommend the establishment and maintenance of arteriovenous fistula (AVF) for the Chinese population, including preoperative evaluation and planning of the establishment of AVF, AVF surgery, perioperative drug intervention measures and postoperative maintenance, and put forward suggestions for future research directions. The recommendations in this consensus are general and clinicians need to make treatment decisions based on the actual situation.

  • 标签: Hemodialysis Vascular access Arteriovenous fistula Consensus
  • 简介:AbstractChronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a chronic space-occupying lesion formed by blood accumulation between arachnoid and dura mater, which is usually formed in the third week after traumatic brain injury. Surgical treatment is usually the first choice for patients with CSDH having a significant space-occupying effect. Most of the patients showed good results of surgical treatment, but still some patients had a postoperative recurrence (the recurrence rate was up to 33%). Because CSDH is often seen in the elderly, patients are weak and have many basic diseases. The risk of surgical treatment is high; serious complications and even death (the death rate is up to 32%) can often occur. The overall good prognosis rate of patients aged more than 90 years is 24%. The drug treatment can provide a safe and effective treatment for elderly patients who are weak, intolerable to surgery, or failed in surgery. Low-dose and long-term use of atorvastatin (20mg/d) is suggested for continuous treatment for at least 8 weeks, while low-dose and short-term use of dexamethasone can improve the therapeutic effect of atorvastatin on CSDH. Patients should undergo CT or MRI scanning at least one time within 2 weeks after the start of drug treatment.

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  • 简介:AbstractMeningiomas are the most common primary intracranial neoplasm with diverse pathological types and complicated clinical manifestations. The fifth edition of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System (WHO CNS5), published in 2021, introduces major changes that advance the role of molecular diagnostics in meningiomas. To follow the revision of WHO CNS5, this expert consensus statement was formed jointly by the Group of Neuro-Oncology, Society of Neurosurgery, Chinese Medical Association together with neuropathologists and evidence-based experts. The consensus provides reference points to integrate key biomarkers into stratification and clinical decision making for meningioma patients.

  • 标签: Clinical diagnosis Expert consensus Meningioma Molecular subtyping Therapeutic treatment
  • 简介:AbstractBiologic drugs have been increasingly used in the treatment of psoriasis and are especially favorable for severe, recalcitrant, and special-type cases. Therefore, appropriate, effective, and safe use of biologic drugs has drawn attention from dermatologists. For this purpose, Chinese experts majoring in psoriasis analyzed domestic and international research data, summarized current clinical experiences, investigated features of Chinese patients with psoriasis, and finally formulated the present consensus, which provides detailed guidances to clinicians in terms of the principles and methods of the application of biologics, the efficacy and safety profile, patient screening and monitoring, main adverse events and corresponding solutions, and precautions for special patient populations.

  • 标签: psoriasis treatment biologics consensus
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  • 简介:Inthispaper,thestaticconsensusproblemandthedynamicconsensusproblemareconsideredforaclassofhigh-ordermultiagentsystems.Withtheproposedconsensusprotocols,necessaryandsufficientconditionsfortheconsensusproblemsareobtained.Forthestaticconsensusprotocol,thedesiredconsensusspeedcanbeachievedbyadjustingfeedbackgains.Simulationsshowtheeffectivenessoftheproposedconsensusprotocols.

  • 标签: 多智能体系统 协议 高阶 多AGENT系统 一致性问题 充分条件